boris x murderous reader

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(y/n) pov

I was wondering through the forest, bored out of my mind. I wanted to kill someone. I know it sounds harsh but hey, it's what I do. "Hey, bendy! This seems like a good place to set up camp!" I hear a young voice yell. A grin spread across my face. Maybe I could do some of my tricks. I continued walking then heard slight talking. Time to put my plan into action. I stabbed myself in the waist and threw the knife far. I sat down, my back layed against a tree trunk. I changed my expression from a smug smirk, to a painful frown. I began to scream as loud as I could. I heard booming footsteps coming my direction. I tried my best to not laugh. I saw a short demon and a rather tall wolf run up to me. The demon inspected me and saw a puddle of blood around me. He knelt beside me. "Are you ok ma'am?" He asked. I shook my head, no. "BENDY!" I hear a young voice yell.

Boris pov

As bendy was talking to the girl, I looked around. Something shimmered in the corner of my eye. Curious, I went to look at it. I saw red, and a knife. My eyes widened as I began to shake. "B..b...bendy!!" I stutter. Bendy came to my side quickly. "Is everything ok, Boris?" He asked, concern lacing his voice. I was unable to speak, so I pointed at the knife. Bendy stared at it for a moment, then looked back at the girl. "were you attacked?" He asked. I look in the girls direction and saw her nod. Bendy went to the girls side again, picking her up bridal style. He motioned his head for me to follow, and I did. We made our way back to our little camp. I looked at the girl and she seemed to have a smile. Probably just happy she's getting help I thought. Bendy placed the girl on a convenient log. "Boris, could you get me the first aid kit?" Bendy asked. I grabbed my bag and pulled it out, then passed it to bendy. Bendy cared to her injury. Once he was done he sighed. "Do you know who did this?" He asked. The girl shook her head. Bendy nodded slightly. "Ok, well, you could stay with us for a bit?" Bendy suggested. The girl nodded, eagerly. "Ok, well. I'm bendy, and this is my brother Boris" bendy introduces us as I wave sheepishly. "I'm (y/n)" (y/n) says. Bendy smiles slightly. "you're safe with us" he says, standing and walking to my bag. I just stood there, not knowing what to say or do. (Y/n) looked towards me, her (e/c) eyes shimmering making my cheeks tint pink. I look in bendy's direction to distract myself from the cute girl sitting infront of me.

(Y/n) pov

I smile my evil grin. I've got them in my trust. Idiots, you should never trust a stranger! (Life lesson kids! Don't trust strangers. Unless they write and give you entertainment!) Boris glances at me quickly, but then looks back at his brother.

~time skip!~

I blinked a few times, the light hurting my eyes. I must've fell asleep. I yawned and stretched. Once my eyes adjusted to the daylight I checked my surroundings. No one was in sight. I decided to do what I do, and well spill some blood. I stood up and opened my bag, pulling out my knife. "Uh, why do you have that?" I hear a raspy voice say. I turn to see a guy with a cup for a head and liquid hair dressed in red. I didn't know where he came from or why he was there. Next to him stood another guy with a mug for a head dressed in blue. "Why are you here?" I ask. The red cup sighed. "We're here to well, kill these two people. A wolf and a demon, have you seen them?" The blue mug asked, seeming sad as he said it. I straightened my posture, staring at them, my eyes shrinking. The red cup stepped back, pulling the blue mug with him. I growl lowly. "That's my prey" I grit through my teeth. The red cup cocked his eyebrow at that. I smile grimly. I got ready to pounce. I leaped on top of the blue mug, smiling down on his frightened face. The red cup pointed his finger at me, making me chuckle. Soon his finger glowed, sending me into shock. He fired a beam and I ducked, dodging it in time. This made me smile more. "You shouldn't have down that" I laugh. I bring the knife down into the mug's neck, bringing it out and letting blood slowly flow out. I look at the red cup with a twisted smile. He had tears in his eyes. He was mouthing the words 'mugs' over and over again. His sadness made me more eager. I stood off the mug's lifeless body and approuched the cup. He didn't move, accepting his fate. Not the kind of kill I like, but I'll take it. I stab him in his chest, watching him slowly fall next to the mug. I chuckle evily. Bendy comes running out of where ever he was and gasped at the sight of two bodies, and me covered in blood. "(Y/n)!" He yelled. I giggled. "Don't be scared bendy" I say. He backed away, his legs shaking. I strode closer to him. I grabbed him and pinned him against a tree, clutching his neck. He struggled to breath. "Bye~" I say, then stabbed him in the gut. He struggled for a moment, then his eyes softly closed. I let his lifeless body drop to the floor. "b..bendy!!!" I hear Boris yell behind me. I turn to face him, with my creepy smile. He flattened his ears against his head, his tail laying limp behind him. "w..why, (y..y/n)?" He asked, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Cause-" I walk closer to Boris, cornering him by a tree. "It's what I do~" I whisper into his ear. I put the knife on his neck, not impaling him or anything. I was teasing him. His tears rolled down and landed on my hand. "I..I love you, (y/n)" Boris cried. I smiled, kissing him softly on the nose. "Love you too, boris~" with that, I ended him. I dropped his body and laughed. I moved on to start my next killing spree.

(Ok. O.o I may have broke my heart. I'm sorry if I broke anyone. If you are than let's hug it out. I'm sorry if I made this too edgy I didn't mean to. Also, if you're alone on Valentines day, like me, read them stories and act like you're not alone. That's not an insult or anything. I'm gonna do the same thing. Welp, hope you enjoyed. BYE!!)

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