Cuphead x Christmas reindeer reader

896 15 21

(Requested by; CupheadxCrystal

Thanks for the request!).

Cuphead pov

"Looks like we're snowed in" Mugman says, staring out of the window at the small snowflakes fluttering down to the already blanketed snowy floor. "Just great" I sigh, "I'm stuck with you all". "Its not like you have anyone else to go to" Bendy taunts. I roll my eyes, crossing my arms. As much as i'd hate to admit it; he was right. These are the people I have in my life. And most likely the only people. I'm not very likable. I can be an asshole 24/7, and I'm surprised these guys have put up with that. Others not so much. I tend to drive potential 'friends' away. But I'm honestly getting used to it. Besides, all I really need is my bro.

~time skip~

It was late at night when I woke up to a noise from the attic. As if something dropped on the floor. I groggily sit up, rubbing my eyes as I glance up at the clock. 4am....seriously?! I groan in annoyance, about to lay back down but I hear yet another noise, and maybe the sound of a voice. Someone might have broke in. I push myself out of bed, exiting the room and looking up at the attic door. I grab the small string that was dangling down and tug on it, causing the small ladder to thumble down to the floor. I look up to the darkness, a shiver running down my spine. Nontheless, I light my fingertip up and climb up the ladder, hesitantly poking my head up. I light up the room the best I could, but couldn't see anything. I sigh silently and climb the rest of the way up, looking around the dusty room. I saw what had fallen, just a small box and an old lamp. I sigh again, "it was probably just a rat, Cuphead. Nothing serious-" I cut myself off by the slight jingle of bells. I felt my heart beat faster as a small amount of fear laced over me. Someone's up here....and I'm alone with them!
I heard the bells again, but I was quick and managed to turn fast enough to see a figure duck behind a few stacked boxes. I growl quietly, slowly approuching the boxes, making sure my footsteps were barely heard. I stop once I reached the stack, hesitantly peeking around and locking eyes with someone. They yelped and cowered away from me, covering their face with their hands and shaking with fear. I narrow my eyes a crouch down infront of the random person, demanding "what are you doing here?". They flinch at my tone, shakily moving their hands and revealing hypnotising (e/c) eyes. "Who are you?" I ask in a calmer tone. They shift away from the shadows and more into the light from my glowing fingertip, revealing a beautiful female with (h/l) (h/c) hair and those magnificent sparkling (e/c) eyes. She seemed to have antlers with bells dangling from them, like a reindeer. "S..sir, p..please don't hurt me! I..I didn't mean to cause a ruckus! I..I didn't know where else to go!" She cowers, near tears as she was obviously terrified of me. For some odd reason, I felt as if I should console her and not yell, even though she is unannounced in my home. "Hey, hey, I won't hurt you. Just...tell me who you are and why you're here" I say in the best soft voice I could muster. Her nerves seemed to tone down just a little at my tone, and she managed to say "I..I'm (y/n)...". I smile softly, "I'm Cuphead. Now, (y/n), why are you here?". She avoided my eyes, playing with the ends of her hair, "I..I got left behind. I..if I stayed out longer I could've been killed, a..and this was the only place I could get into....I..I can leave if that's what you want". She was about to stand, but I place a hand on her shoulder and gently push her back down, "its fine, don't worry. I you out?". Her eyes seemed to light up with hope, "you'd help me?". I felt my cheeks heat up at the joyful look on her face. She seemed so precious and my small heart can't take it!  I clear my throat to rid of my blush, rubbing the back of my neck, "y..yeah, of course i'd help. You don't seem dangerous". She smiles brightly and tackles me in a tight hug, exclaiming "thank you, thank you, thank you!! This means so much to me!!". I blush at her zero hesitation to hug me, but I soon hug back, urging my deep burning blush away, "I..its no p..problem, (y...y/n)".
I can tell I have already fallen for her.

(Sorry if its bad! And thank you so much for 80k reads!! That means alot to me!! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next one).

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