mugman x bendys sister part 2

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Mugman pov

Me and cups were just wondering down the street, and I was thinking about (y/n). "You're thinking about her aren't you?" Cups asked smirking. "!" I yell. "Yes you are, you're blushing" he smirked. "Crap I am" I say looking at the floor. "Don't worry bud, you'll meet someone like her" cups said. I just wanted to bitch slap him, but I crashed into someone. Cups helped me up and I looked who I bumped into. It was bendy. My eyes lit up with Sparks (not literally). If bendy was there, (y/n) was close by. Soon borris and (y/n) came running round the corner. Me and (y/n) made eye contact and blushed at each other. "Hey mugs, it's great to see you again" she said. "H..hey" I say. She ran up to me and hugged me, I hugged back and smiled. "Careful (y/n), they could snap at any moment" bendy says as (y/n) released me from her hug. "Shut up bendy! What do you know?" (Y/n) yelled. "(Y/n)! Stop being rude!" Borris yelled. "Well he can't say that about people. Especially if they're close to me!" (Y/n) yelled. "G..guys, there's no need to argue" I say. "Well I'm just saying, he could be doing this just to get you on their good side then stab you in the back" bendy says. (Y/n) growled. "Maybe you stabbed me in the back" she yelled. "Well, if you don't except it then you won't have to see it. I'm going with cups and mugs!" She yelled. Bendys expression turned from angry to concerned.

Borris pov

"(Y..y..y/n), you don't really mean that?" Bendy asked, near the edge of tears. "Yes I do, let's go!" (Y/n) yelled as she turned around harshly. " (y/n). Please" I say. I was about to cry. She stormed off, followed by cups and mugs. My eyes filled with tears and I could no longer see properly. The tears fell from my eyes. I started to cry. Bendy hugged me. "C..come on b..borris. S..stop crying. She.. she'll be b..back" bendy says as he cried. "Come on, we have to snap her out of this. Let's go" bendy says wiping his eyes then mine. I nod and we went the direction they went. I was still sort of crying.

(Y/n) pov

I was surprised by my level of sass and rudeness towards my brothers. My eyes were tearful. "Wow (y/n), I didn't know you had that temper" cuphead says. I wiped my eyes and gave a fake giggle. "Are you sure you're ok, you don't seem alright?" Mugs asked as he stopped me in my tracks and held my hands. "I..I'm fine" I say moving mugs' hands off me and carried on walking. I sighed. I miss them. Borris' smile, bendys sense of humor. I closed my eyes and looked at the floor. I shead a tear. I couldn't help it, I just started balling (that means crying) and ran a few feet away from cup and mugs. "(Y..y/n) wait!!" Mugs yelled. Cups some how manged to run in front of me and stopped me. Mugs caught up out of breath. "What's wrong?" Cups asked, kneeling down to my level (remember, you're the same hight as bendy). I couldn't answer, I kept crying. Mugs then tackled me in a hug and kissed me on the cheek. I hugged him back, and smiled but still was crying. "Calm down (y/n), we're here for you. You can tell us anything" mugs said. I wiped my eyes. "I..I...I just, miss my brothers. They probably hate me now" I say followed by more crying. Mugs attacked me with a hug. "They won't hate you, plus you've got us" cups says dragging mugs away from me. "I guess your right" I say wiping my eyes once again. I smile at them and we continue walking.

Bendy pov

I was walking with borris. We didn't know where they went. Then borris pointed something out. "LOOK BENDY!! It's cup" he yells. I look and see cups go round a corner. "Let's go" I say grabbing borris' hand and started to run. We were so close, as soon as we turned the corner we saw them walking through the woods. "Come on" I say dragging borris into the woods. We wondered through the woods for a few minutes and then, we got lost. "Fuck" I whisper so borris won't hear. "What's wrong bendy?" He asked. "I don't want to alarm you but, we may be lost" I explain. Borris was about to freak out but took a deep breath and said "ok, we have to find our way around". I was shocked. "YOU FINALLY DIDNT FREAK OUT!!" I yell. Borris just smiled and then went back to serious mode. "Come on, we have to get our sister" I say.

Mugman pov

I had my arm around (y/n) to sort of comfort her. I don't know how else to do it. We then just sat in the middle of the forest. Cups started a fire and sat next to me, leaving me next to (y/n). She deeply stared into the fire. I hugged her and she hugged back. "Everything ok?" I ask in a whisper. She nodded. "Actually everything is great, since I'm with you" she says then kisses me on the lips. I blushed and so did she. Then we heard a 'click' sort of noise. We look where the noise came from and saw cups taking a picture of us. (Y/n) growled and I just laughed. (Y/n) grabbed cups camera and threw it into the fire. "Ha!" She said, then layed he head on my shoulder. Her eyes shut. She fell asleep. Cuphead was just laughing. I wanted to beat his ass, but yet I didn't want to to disturb (y/n). Soon I drifted off the sleep.

Borris pov

We where wondering through the forest trying to find (y/n). Then I saw a glow. "Hey bendy, look" I say pointing to the glow. "Let's go investigate" bendy says. I nod and we walk over there. What we saw was so frickin cute. Well one things for sure we fount (y/n) but, she was lying her head on mugs shoulder and mugs head lying on her head. Also cup was sleeping on the floor. Bendy slowly made his way over there and so did I. We sat down and, soon enough, we fell asleep.

~time skip to the morning~

I woke up and everyone was still asleep. Soon bendy woke up. Then everyone else woke up. "What're you guys doing here?!" Cup asked in shock. "We fount you and we wanted to say sorry to (y/n)" bendy explains. "Well she already forgives you, but do you forgive her?" Mugs explained. "Of course we forgive her" I say throwing my arms around (y/n). She hugged me back. "I'm sorry" she said tearfully as she let go of me. ", im sorry. I shouldn't have said that stuff" bendy says. Then (y/n) whispered into bendys ear and then he nodded. "Hey you two" bendy started looking at cups and mugs "(y/n) had the idea that you join our adventure with us?". The cup bros nodded. "Of course you'd want to go with them" cups laughed, then mugs stamped on his foot. "We'd love to come" mugs says. We all smiled and (y/n) hugged mugs.

Mugman pov

I hugged (y/n) back. "Let's go" bendy says. I held (y/n)'s hand and we all started to walk. I'm happy I'd never leave (y/n) again.

A/N MY HAND AHHHHHH! Anyway, hope you enjoyed.
1310 words

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