cuphead x badass reader

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Requested by Shadow_Ultimate.

Cuphead pov

I sighed. "What's wrong cuppy?" My annoying brat of a brother asked. "It's just boring, I need some excitement in my life". "We're already risking our life's, what more excitement do you need?" He says. " exciting chick" I say, eying a (h/c) haired girl. Mugs shrugs. "What ever, you do you". I smirk as I make my way to her. "Hey girl" I say, casually. She groaned. "What do you want, dip shit". I was shocked by the way she acted, she hasn't even seen me yet. But, I still want her. I grabbed her shoulders, turning her to face me. She had beautiful (e/c) eyes. She pushed me, causing me to release her from my grip. "Feisty are yah, what's your name sweet heart?" I ask. She rolled her eyes at me. "If you must know, it's (y/n). So what's yours? Dip shit?". I smiled "cute name, my name is cuphead". "I think bitch fits you better" she paused and smirked as she made eye contact with me "cuppy". I blushed at the name. "Sorry honey, gotta dash" she says as she ran the opposite direction. I stood there in awe. Mugs ran up to me. "Did you get rejected........again?" He asked. "I think she's a keeper" I say. Staring at her, running.

(Y/n) pov

Ugh, that stupid cup wasted my time. I say, running towards a forest. I stopped infront of a tree as I felt a fuzzy feeling. "W...what? What's this feeling?" I questioned. I groaned "never mind that, (y/n)! You've got shit to do!" I yell at myself. I looked left and right, scanning the area. I couldn't get what just happened out of my head. It was like I was hypnotized. I groaned once again and continued running.

Cuphead pov (once again)

Me and mugs were walking past a forest. I heard rustling. I froze, looked and saw a blur run past. I jumped over a bush and ran into the forest, following the blur. I'm guessing mugs wasn't too far behind. The blurry figure ran round a corner and I followed, but when I came round the corner.......there was a wall. And nothing else. I stopped, causing mugs to crash into my back. "" mugs panted. "I saw a figure, and I decided to cha--" someone (or something 0o0) leaped on my back, causing me to crash onto the floor. My eyes were closed from pain. "What the hell!" I yell. I felt what ever was on me get dragged off of me. I open my eyes to see mugs holding a girl by the collar of her shirt, his gun (finger thing. I dunno) ready to shoot. "You better watch what'cha doin there" he grinds through his teeth. She kept a straight face, but I could see a sweat drop fall from her head. It was just then did I notice her. It was the girl, (y/n) was it? "Mugs, wait!" I yell, stumbling to my feet. Mugs looks at me with confusion and tilts his head to the side. "Wha?" He questions. (Y/n) looked at me and had a -_- face. "Oh, it's you" she says. She was still being held by mug. She sighed and pushed mugs on his butt. Mugs looked like he was about to cry which made me wanna laugh. (Oh how dare you make mugs cry! YOU SHALL NEVER HURT LE LITTLE CINIMEN ROLL!!) "Didn't think it was you, sorry for jumping on yah an' all" (y/n) says, patting dust off of her clothes. Mugs stood. "You lie, I saw you slip up there". She gave a blush of embarrassment. "Falling, jumping. T..there technically the same thing" she says, putting her hands in her pockets. I chuckled at her embarrassment. She looked at me with shock. "W...what are you laughing at!?" She yelled. "It's look so cute when your embarrassed" I say, pinching her cheek. She kicked me in the groind, causing me to let go of her. "Shit, that hurt like hell" I say. I stood up straight. "No matter how many times you hurt me. You're still cute" I say, with a wink. She growled and clenched her fist. Oh shit, I've think I've gone and done it now I thought. She came infront of me and made eye contact. "You don't know who you're talking to. Do you, bitch" she said, sounding demonic. "Ehhhh" is all I could say. She gave an evil grin. She was so close to my face. I've only got one chance to do this, and this is the perfect opportunity to do so I thought. I leaned in closer to her, making our lips connect. Within seconds she pushes me away, both of us blushing wildly. "Ugh, what the FUCK do you think you're doing?!" She yelled. I didn't answer. "Are you INSANE!" She continued. "Maybe, but you know I couldn't resist" I say, with yet another wink. She growled. "I can't deal with this BITCH! I'm out, see you when I see you. HOPEFULLY NEVER AGAIN!" "She stormed off. "Cups" mugs says. I look at him. "You're a dick"

What a perfect note to end on! Thanks Shadow_Ultimate. Sorry if it's not what'cha expected, my brain is being a total bitch. Anyway, bye bye!

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