Found You

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Nancy settled on her bed looked at Joo e.

"I miss my phone," she told her.

Jooe slowly came and sat on the bed next to Nancy.

"Its only been four days and I already miss home too," she said and played with her nails.

She almost looked sad for a while.

"Soo, Joo e, which floor do the seniors stay?"

"Well, we are all mixed up. I don't know how its arranged but they mostly stay on the second floor, I guess," she said putting her index on her chin.

"Are you friends with the seniors," Nancy asked.

Nancy was so desperate to find out the name of the senior girl and possibly be friends with her.

"Yea some of them, I guess," she replied.

Nancy opened her mouth to ask further but was cut by Jooe.

"So, Nancy, why do you look different. I mean, you could really be mistaken for a foreigner if you could speak English. And you are so pretty. You are going to attract a lot of attention."

"Thank you Joo e. You are really pretty too. And for the English part, I am a pretty fluent English speaker. I did most of my schooling in Ohio." Nancy said.

"Ohio, like Ohio in the USA?" she asked.

Nancy nodded.

"So, Joo e, do you mind showing me around. I really want to meet all of your friends."

"Let me brush my teeth and I will let you meet all of my friends. Sundays are all about hanging with friends."

She sang and ran into the bathroom.

That is one small bathroom.

After a while, Nancy and Jooe were both out the door.

"Let's start from the second floor," Nancy told her.

"Wow! how did you know my best friends are there too?" Jooe asked.

"They are?" Nancy asked.

After they finished climbing up the flight of stairs, Joo e ran and banged on the door of the first room in the series.

"Daisy? Ahin nah? open" she banged louder.

"Joo e stop hurting the door," Someone said from inside right before coming out.

"You are going to murder my new room's door too?" the girl scolded Joo e before her eyes landed on Nancy.

"Hi," she said smiling.

"Daisy, this is my new best friend Nancy. And Nancy, this is our Daisy. We will be classmates" Jooe introduced.

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