One Thing Noted: She Hates Tickles

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It was 7.30 pm when an enraged Jooe suddenly threw her chemistry book on the floor. She forcefully pointed her finger at the innocent book lying on the floor and cursed loudly.

"I will just burn this book and kill myself," she said as she wiped tears of desperation off her cheek.

It had been one hour since Jooe and Nancy sat on the table and tried to complete their chemistry homework.

This time, the teacher had gone the extra mile and given each student 7 different chemical reaction questions. And no matter how many times Jooe and Nancy went through the chapter to learn the chemical reaction strategies, they couldn't balance any of the reactions properly. 

"Let's go to Daisy," Nancy told Jooe.

She didn't answer as she picked up her book and her homework notebook and headed for the door.

"Daisy, help us out" Nancy pleaded as she set their notebooks down on Daisy's table.

"Okay, please wait, let me finish mine," she said still not looking up from her notebook.

"So, where is Ahin?" Nancy asked.

"She couldn't do her homework as well so she went to Yeonwoo unnie for help."

"Jooe, we're going to Yeonwoo unnie too," Nancy said going out the door.

Nancy fixed her hair a little bit and stood right in front of Yeonwoo's door but she found herself lacking the courage to actually knock on the door.

A minute of hesitation later, Nancy was pushed out of the way by Jooe.

"Yeonwoo unnie we are coming in" Jooe called as she turned the doorknob and opened the door.

It was the first time Nancy was seeing the inside.

And the first thing that came up to the forefront of her mind when she saw the condition of the room was similar to most people- "messy"

"Yeonwoo unnie" Jooe called out loud.

"Jooe ya, Yeonwoo Unnie is in our room" Jane shouted from the next room.

When Nancy and Jooe came in, Ahin was massaging Yeonwoo's head.

Nancy almost felt jealous of Ahin because Yeonwoo's head was currently resting on her lap.

"Yeonwoo unnie, can you ple-?"

"Not you guys too," Yeonwoo said cutting Jooe short.

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