Hope and Wrecking Ball

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Yeonwoo sighed for the umpteenth time that day. It was already nearing the end of 6th period. She knew that she wasn't going to see Nancy just like the past few days.

Her mother had been driving her late to school every day. Jaehwan was always by her side the entire break time and when she finally comes out of school at the end of the day, Nancy wasn't there waiting for her by the gate.And the news about Nancy and Sehun getting closer had spread throughout the entire school like wildfire.
There was also the rumour going around that Yeonwoo and Jaehwan's relation was in strain because Jooe confessed to Yeonwoo.

"Hyebin na, let's go to the washroom?" She asked as soon as the bell rang.When the two walked towards the door, Hyebin shortly looked back to see Jaehwan eying the both of them.

They walked inside the empty lavatory.

"Have you talked to Nancy?" Yeonwoo asked.

"No, Yeonwoo, how can I suddenly go and tell her not to get too close to Sehun? Don't you see? Jooe and Nancy are avoiding us. Jooe probably hates me now. The four of them haven't been waiting for me at the gate ever since the confrontation. And Jooe and Nancy never climb upstairs at the dorm anymore.""Daisy told me that they told Nancy to stay away from Sehun but she said Sehun still comes to talk to Nancy for few minutes during break every day."

Sensing the distress in her friend, Hyebin added, "I'll talk to Nayun. Maybe Nancy will listen to Nayun"

A few seconds of silence later Yeonwoo spoke,"I want to get back to the dorm, Hyebin. Please talk to my mother for me."

"What would I tell her? Hyebin asked.

"I don't know, Hyebin."

Hyebin hugged her friend.
"Let's go back to class. The last period must have started."


Yeonwoo didn't let go of Hyebin's hand when they walked out of the school.
Jane, Nayun and Taeha were the only ones waiting at the gate for Hyebin.
"Please, Hyebin." Yeonwoo said.
Hyebin sighed."I'll try, okay?" Hyebin said.
"Guys, wait for a while. I need to talk to Yeonwoo's mother" Hyebin said.
"Talk about what?" Jaehwn asked.

Hyebin and Yeonwoo didn't answer him as they both walked out to where Yeonwoo's mother usually parked.Yeonwoo's mother was standing outside the car. She smiled at Hyebin.This was the first time Hyebin had walked her daughter out.
Yeonwoo slightly jerked Hyebin's hand forward."Uh.." Hyebin started, standing right in front of Yeonwoo's mother."Yeonwoo amma, I was just thinking if it's okay if you... if you'd allow Yeonwoo to come back to the dorm," Hyebin said.

"What? Why?" Jaehwan asked turning fully towards Hyebin.

Yeonwoo's mother was also taken aback. This was the last thing she expected Hyebin to say.

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