This Will Cross Her Mind Often Thanks To Jaehwan

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"That's it. Its 10 minutes now, get up Nancy,"

"5 more," Nancy replied.

"Have you any idea how late it is?" Yeonwoo said as she sat up.

Nancy suddenly missed the warmth.

"Get up. I need to tell you something." Yeonwoo said pulling Nancy up by her arm.

"Stop pulling me up like that" Nancy said sitting up.

"Oh My God! why are you so snappy? does everything I say or do irritate you that much?" Yeonwoo asked.

"It's not that" Nancy replied turning away.

Yeonwoo lightly pulled on Nancy's hair.

"Can you at least look at me while I'm talking to you?"

"What is it? Just tell me and get it over with" Nancy said looking at Yeonwoo now.

"Exam starts the day after tomorrow. How much have you completed reading?" Yeonwoo asked.

"I know how to take care of exams. I'll make sure I pass. I'll be fine. Okay?" Nancy replied.

"Nancy, seriously. You should take these exams seriously. Mini exam marks will show on your report card. You need to build a momentum of studying really hard. You know how hard it is to get to a good university."

"I know" Nancy replied.

"And you're here getting upset over other things and snapping at your unnie. Look, Nancy, promise me you'll never talk to Sehun and focus on your grades and your grades only." Yeonwoo said in a stern voice.

Ugh, Sehun again. Nancy suppressed the urge to roll her eyes.

"Why the hell am I not getting a reply?" Yeonwoo asked.

"I won't talk to Sehun, alright?" Nancy said and got up and left without saying anything else.


"Let's go washroom," Yeonwoo said looking at Hyebin as she got up from the cafeteria table.

"Do you remember the last time you let me go alone? It's payback time. I am not coming."' Hyebin replied sipping her milk from the carton.

"Fine" Yeoonwoo said and left.

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