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"Whats wrong with Nancy today?" Daisy asked as the four friends stood outside the school gate.

Nancy briefly looked up at Daisy and looked away. She was tired of feeling awful too. She just couldn't find a way to escape the sadness that lingered in her.

"Its just Nancy being Nancy. She would just find one way or another to be upset." Jooe told Daisy.

"Really, Nancy tell us what's bothering you, maybe we can help out." Ahin supplied.

"I am just tired," Nancy replied.

Sehun came out with his friends. He was just going to have a look at his crush from a distance and go home but when he saw her and the melancholic air around her, he couldn't stop himself from going up to her and asking what was wrong.

"Nancy" he called once he got near her.

"Sehun uppa?" Nancy said.

Daisy coughed in her hand and Ahin and Jooe looked at one another.

"You don't look fine. Whats wrong? Is everything okay?" Sehun asked.

Nancy wanted to cry out again. She couldn't even say out a lie as simple as "I am okay".

She just stared into the distance.

The lack of response really bothered Sehun. He tried to take Nancy's hand to get her to look at him but when he did, Nancy suddenly jerked her hand away.

"No. I am not okay. Alright?" Nancy said looking at Sehun.

"You know I am always here to listen to you,"
"Can we talk about it?" Sehun asked bending down a little.

"Not today," Nancy said.

Sehun nodded in understanding.

When Yeonwoo came out, her eyes did what she had been unconsciously doing since a long time ago: search for Nancy.

The displeasure she felt when she saw Sehun talking to Nancy was unexplainable.

"I'll be going," Sehun said.

Nancy nodded and Sehun left.

A moment later, she felt Yeonwoo's hand entangle around hers.

"Let's go, pack!" Hyebin shouted and everyone started walking.

Yeonwoo noticed how Nancy was being awfully quiet. She didn't even look at her.

When they reached the dorm, Nancy simply slipped her hand off and went silently in the direction of her room.

Jooe looked at the retreating form of her roommate before turning at her friends apologetically and said, "See you guys tomorrow. Let's study hard for the exam."

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