The Bad News

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Nancy couldn't bring herself to stop smiling like a dork.

Jooe, who was sitting adjacent to Nancy noticed Nancy's unexplained smile.

She looked suspiciously at Nancy and asked "Why are you smiling like that Nancy? It's creeping me out"

"What? I am not smiling" Nancy said and looked away.

"Wait, don't tell me you went through my stuff," Jooe said bringing up her index finger.

"What? No!" Nancy was now laughing. The accusation was ridiculously funny.

Jooe narrowed her eyes dangerously.

"Spill it, Nancy, What did you find or find out?" Jooe pressed.

"I swear I didn't go through your stuff Jooe. I am Not lying. I promise." Nancy said truthfully.

Everyone was now looking at them.

"I am not sure I can believe that." Joo e said.

"I promise I didn't. No fingers crossed!" Nancy said holding up both of her hands for Jooe to see.

" Then what exactly did you do today? I mean, how exactly did you spend the whole day?" Jooe asked.

"I just mostly slept and I also studied a little. But I didn't go through your stuff. Please believe me Jooe"

"Okay, that better be true."

"Alright everyone, let's do something fun," Jane said, clapping.

"Let's play "truthful answers" Ahin Said.

"Let me begin. What age were you when your first tooth came out? Mine was at 5" Ahin said.

"I was 5 too when my first upper incisor came out," Hyebin said reminiscing and smiling.

"I was 3 when mine came out. My brother kicked his football in my face, that jerk" Joo e said, looking almost bitter.

Everyone laughed.

"I was 6, I think," Yeonwoo said.

Nancy smiled, visualising a very young version of Yeonwoo with a missing tooth.

I really want to see her childhood photos.

That moment, Nancy noticed Tasha's arm around Yeonwoo's waist.

She hated how much touchy Taeha was with Yeonwoo all the time.

"I was 6 too," Taeha said.

"I don't remember when exactly my first tooth came out but I think I was around 6, I don't know," Jane said.

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