Rules Are Made To Be Broken

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"God, it took forever and a day waiting for the bell to ring," Yeonwoo said after Hyebin and her bid farewell to Jaehwan. They were already near the school gate.

"You people go on home without us. We're heading back home later." Hyebin said.

"Why?" Taeha asked.

"We are going to the library" Yeonwoo answered.

"Ya, the library is this way" Hyebin called after Yeonwoo when she saw Yeonwoo stray from the direction of the library.

"I know. We are going to the staff room first."


"I need to talk to Nancy's science teacher." She replied as she walked on.

Yeonwoo walked right inside the staffroom, going straight for the science teacher in question.

"Kim sunsangnim?" She called and bowed before the teacher.

"Lee Dabin, What brings you here? is there something you want to discuss?" He asked, reclining in his chair.

"I have some questions," Yeonwoo said.

"Go on.."

"I heard about the new pairing up of weak junior students with smart ones for after-school group studies. I just wanted to know if there is any way I could volunteer tutoring Nancy. The study session doesn't seem to be working well for her."

The teacher smiled.

"Lee Dabin, Nancy is doing fine there. Pairing up smart and weak students has its own benefits. The smart kids will become sharper as they are going to teach the weaker ones and the weak students will also work harder this way. No one wants to be taught constantly by their fellow classmates. And moreover, I do admire your concern and selflessness but you are one of the brightest students in our school and your finals are near. I suggest you focus all of your time building yourself up instead."

Yeonwoo let out a frustrated sigh and shifted her weight to her left leg.

"So, how long will this go on? is this going to go on for the rest of this semester?" she asked.

"She will be released once she gets at least five marks more than the pass mark in the weekly tests to come." The teacher answered.

"When is the next weekly test for chemistry?"

"Next Thursday" The teacher replied.

Yeonwoo bowed and Hyebin followed suit before the two came out and headed for the library.


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