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It was 5 in the morning when Nancy sat up on her bed and sat with her knees close to her chest. A lot of things were running through her head. She wanted confirmation about the relationship between Yeonwoo and Taeha. It was eating her alive. She knew she heard one of their friends mention about Taeha having a boyfriend when they were playing truth or dare game. She wanted to know what really was going on.

She waited until Jooe finally stirred and opened her eyes.

"Jooe?" Nancy called.

"hmmm" she replied yawning.

"can I ask you something?" Nancy said.

"Yes," Jooe replied closing her eyes.

"can you.. you know, tell me who Hyebin unnie, Yeonwoo unnie, Taeha unnie, Jane unnie and Nayun unnie are dating?"

She asked, taking a deep breath right after.

She absolutely cannot afford to give away her real intention.

"Why?" she asked.

"Just.. Just curious, I mean I know the four of us are currently single. But I didn't know about the unnies so I wanted to, you know, know ..." Nancy trailed off.

"Hyebin unnie isn't dating anyone at the moment. But I remember last year she was dating a senior. I don't know, maybe she is still in a relationship with him but he is gone, graduated and yeah, Hyebin unnie doesn't talk about him anymore... "

"Ok what about Yeonwoo unnie" Nancy asked impatiently.

"Yeonwoo unnie had a tragic ending of her relationship last year. Her ex got expelled from school, that bully. I hate him" Jooe said and stopped for a while.

"She.. she is dating someone new right?" Nancy asked and she felt her hairs standing on their ends for some reason.

"Yeonwoo unnie is not," Jooe said.

"Are..are you sure? I mean she.. she might be dating a guy without your knowledge or perhaps .. a .. a girl." Nancy said.

"A girl? haha Unnie has never accepted any proposals from girls. I'd know if she's dating anyone. Although she looks like she likes Jaehwan uppa."

"Yeonwoo unnie seems so close with Taeha unnie, is.. is anything going on between them?"

God, I asked I asked I asked. OMG!

"What? No!" Jooe said and sat up on the bed.

"Although it seems like Taeha unnie has a crush on Yeonwoo unnie. Wait, now that I think about it, they really are always flirting with each other. But Teaha unnie has a boyfriend. And he attends another school."

"But.. but it says Taeha unnie is in a relationship with Yeonwoo unnie on her facebook profile," Nancy said.

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