A Happy Second Is Always Followed By A Sad Minute :D Don't cry Nancy

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Nancy couldn't concentrate on maths. In fact, it was not just maths, she had spent other classes daydreaming and secretly smiling. 

At some point of time, she worried if people noticed her behaviour. But as much as she was worried about people finding out, she couldn't bring herself to stop it.

Concentrate stupid brain. It's the last class.

God, I miss Yeonwoo unnie. Whats' wrong with me? I wish we had a picture of her on the whiteboard.

She internally smiled at the thought.

But wait, s**t! why didn't I think of this earlier? I could go and check out her Facebook account.

The prospect of checking out her unnie's photos on Facebook was already making her heart jump.

Nancy thought of a plan to go to the library alone.

She played out different scenarios in her head where Jooe refused to let her go to the library alone.

What should I do? Jooe cant come with me. But how should I tell her to not follow me? What if she gets suspicious?

Her trail of thoughts was cut off by the loud sound of the ringing bell.

After a while, everyone started to leave but she kept sitting until the class was half empty.

"Are you planning to sit here the whole night?" Joo e asked.

Ahin and Daisy laughed.

"Whats wrong Nancy?" Daisy asked.

"Well, I was thinking I would go to the library and look for a book"

"What book?" Joo e asked.

"Its... its just a book I'd been wanting to check out, ya know?"

"okay. let's go. It shouldn't take long." Jooe said as she turned to leave.

"Wait, I think I am also going to sit there and read" Nancy said.

"Are you serious?"

"What should we do? Like do you want us to come with you? Or is it okay if we go on?" Ahin asked.

"No. It's okay. you guys can go on home if you want to." Nancy replied.

"It's alright. we will wait for you." Daisy said.

"NO! I mean no, you guys go home. I insist. I will be a while here."

"Okay then, come home before 5. We will be waiting for you." Jooe said and they went out.

Nancy went to the library and went straight to the computer lab.

Thankfully, the room was empty.

She used the desktop at the farthest side of the room for good measure.

She absolutely cannot have anyone find out what she was about to do.

She logged into her account and put the cursor in the search bar.

okay. She breathed out.

She ignored the flooding friends requests and the insane amount of notifications.

"Yeonwoo" she typed in and a number of accounts appeared.

Seventeen minutes of filtering later, she found what she believed was the right account used by her real Yeonwoo unnie.

She felt disgusted at some of the fake accounts for using her unnie's picture and name. She felt sorry for the pretty pictures of her unnie which were being used in the fake profiles.

Most of these fake accounts must have been created by guys. She thought as an unknown anger stirred inside of her.

The one account, which she thought was real, had a cute profile picture of Yeonwoo holding an umbrella.

Nancy spent a minute looking and admiring the photo and then, she proceeded reading out the "about".

She noted Yeonwoo's hometown in her head and the previous school she attended.

She further scrolled down and saw something she wasn't ready to see.

Yes, the relationship status.

"In a relationship with Kim Taeha." Nancy read the text in her mind in absolute horror.

She clicked onto "Kim Taeha" and it was indeed the Kim Taeha that lives upstairs.

She didn't check further. She didn't feel like checking out Yeonwoo's wall anymore.

She logged out, cleared history and went home.

Thankfully, the way back home was empty save for a few people walking in the distance.

Jooe wasn't in the room when she came back. She knew exactly where Jooe would be hanging out. She chose to go to bed.

She didn't want to go upstairs to join her friends today.

She wasn't ready to see Yeonwoo, not today.

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