Lucky Day For Nancy

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Nancy went into an empty classroom on the ground floor. She fished the hanky out of her bag.

"I wanted to return your hanky," she spoke.

"WOW! I thought I was going to get lucky today." He said taking the hanky hesitantly from Nancy.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." Nancy started.

"Is it about the note I gave you? " He asked expectantly.

"About the note, I think you're a tall, great, caring guy but I'm really sorry uppa" Nancy said.

He blinked a couple of times. He was visibly disappointed.

"I..its alright. But I just fell so hard for you. Can you just give me a chance?" He asked almost begging.

"I.. I'm sorry uppa. I'd have said yes but I have someone that I really like too. I'm.. I'm sorry." Nancy said looking down.

"He's one lucky guy," Sehun said smiling a bit as he tried to hold back tears.

"He's a "she" Nancy smiled at the thought.

"But, we can still be friends, right?" Sehun asked.

"Yeah." Nancy said smiling.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Sehun asked.

"Sehun uppa, please promise me that you won't get mad at me for asking this," Nancy said.

"I won't." He simply replied.

"You're Kai's best friend, right? I just thought you might know what exactly happened between Kai Uppa and Yeonwoo unnie. Why did Yeonwoo unnie break up with him? Is.. Is it because Kai uppa bullied Jaehwan? Or.. or did they break up before the bullying started?"

Nancy wanted to know this. If Yeonwoo broke up after the bullying, it will mean that Yeonwoo cared for Jaehwan more than her own boyfriend and if its the other way around, Nancy would know her unnie doesn't really feel that much for Jaehwan. 

"Bullying?" Sehun asked chuckling.

"Of course, that's what they told you," Sehun said.

"Did Dabin send you here?"

"No." Nancy said.

"Why're you asking this then?" Sehun asked.

"Just.. you wouldn't understand. I just need to know. Just please tell me."

"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you the whole truth." He said looking away.

"Just please tell me."

"What exactly are you after, Nancy?" He asked.

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