The Plan Backfired? Not Quite

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The next day, Subin received a text from Jaehwan in the morning.


It was 4 pm and he was now standing outside the school waiting for Jaehwan.He saw Jaehwan walk Yeonwoo to her mother's car and after a while, he turned to where Subin was standing and waved at him.

They went to the same ol' coffee shop and sat at the most distant corner.

"I don't have a good feeling about this" Subin said smiling nervously.

"I don't like what I am about to do either but it has to be done anyway" was Jaehwan's immediate answer.

Subin sweatdropped.
"What is it?"

"Subin, please help me out this last time. Kim sangnim and I have planned the entire thing. All you need is to take care of is a small but an important part."

"Don't tell me this involves Nancy" Subin said.

Jaehwan opened and closed his mouth.

"Oh no," Subin said.

"Please Subin. Nancy confessed to her in front of me before the winter break and Yeonwoo has caught some feelings for her too. But Yeonwoo is trying to move on and if they keep seeing each other, it won't do them any good."

Subin gasped.
"Nancy confessed?"

"Yes, now listen, Yeonwoo wants to get back to the dorm and I don't want her and Nancy living under the same roof. A lot of things could go wrong. You just need to help me on this and I swear I will never bother you again."

"Aren't you with Dabin now?" Subin asked.

"Dabin noona. Don't address her like that."Jaehwan corrected Subin.
" Yes, we are together but I just...I don't feel completely assured."
"I just want Nancy out of the dorm, Subin."

Subin remained silent.

Jaehwan explained the entire plan.

Subin stood up with his fist tightly clenched."I can't do that. I can't watch her get expelled." He said.

"No. she will not get expelled. She'll only be sent out of the dorm and suspended from classes. She still sits in exams."

Subin tried to walk away but Jaewan quickly got up and stopped him.

"Subin, even if you walk away, I'll still come up with another plan to make sure Nancy doesn't have a chance with Yeonwoo.""But what about you and your feelings? You don't like that Sehun spending time with Nancy, do you? Now, you aren't the only guy Nancy is comfortable with. If they continue to hang out, we don't know if they'll end up together."

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