I Keep Seeing Your Face Unnie

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Meanwhile, in the dorm room of Daisy and Ahin, a troubled Nancy sat with her knees close to her chest.

She knew Yeonwoo lied to avoid pairing up with her again.

And it hurt her.

She was no longer paying attention to the game.

Nancy shook her head as if that would help her get rid of the depressing thought.

I am just gonna believe her. Maybe she isn't lying after all. Maybe it is just me who is over thinking. Besides, Yeonwoo unnie really did take a paper with her when she passed by the door a while ago.

Hyebin appeared in the room all of a sudden.

They all looked up at her.

"Hey, you guys continued without me? you guys are so mean." She joked.

"Where is Yeonwoo unnie?"

What was supposed to be a muse ended up actually being said out.

Nancy wanted to cover her mouth and never speak again.

Hyebin looked at Nancy.

"She went back to her room."

"Did she actually give the paper to the warden?"

It was Jane who asked the question, the answer to which everyone was curious about.

"uh.. yeah... yeah she did", Hyebin replied, briefly looking at Nancy.

Joo e believed Hyebin. But the same couldn't be said about Nancy.

She could deduce from the hesitant answer of Hyebin that it was a lie. And the fact that Yeonwoo didn't come back to the room with Hyebin made Nancy all the more sadder.

She blinked several times to get rid of the rapidly forming tears in her eyes.

It hurt her more than she would like to admit.

"Okay, let's call it a day and go back to our rooms. We really had so much fun today." Taeha said standing up to leave.

Nancy found herself coming down the stairs holding hands with Jooe.

She went straight to her bed after that.

"Ya, we have homework. And in an hour, we can go fetch our dinner. Don't sleep now" Joo e told her sitting at their study table.

"Please let me copy your homework tomorrow. And I am not really hungry today." was Nancy's weak reply.

"Ya, Nancy ya what's wrong with you?"

"I have a headache," she replied.

"Do you want me to tell Hyebin unnie to fetch you some painkiller?" asked Jooe.

"No, it's okay. I'll just sleep and it will go away."

"Okay. Do you want me to get you your dinner too? I mean in case you change your mind and want to eat at night?"

"no. I won't change my mind."

"okay. do you want me to massage your head or something?"

"No. I am fine. can you please stop talking to me now?"

"Oh, Okay" Joo e replied.

It was 1 am and Nancy found herself twisting and turning.

She was hungry and sad.

And to make everything worse, every time she closed her eyes to try and sleep, Yeonwoo's face when Nancy was right about to flick her forehead came up to the forefront of her mind and was downright haunting her.

She closed her ears with her hands and blamed her sleeplessness to Jooe's soft snores.

This was going to be a long night for her.

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