Chpater 2

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Rose's POV

I woke with a gasp sitting up suddenly. I had not realized that I had fallen asleep.

My dreams have been filled with nightmares ever since that horrible night. But each dream is different, one filled with dragon fire, my kin dying without me being able to save them, and the other....the other is too painful to talk about.

Standing my body stiff from the awkward position I had slept in. Looking out of my window I saw Thorin and his company of all too familiar faces leaving the Hobbit hole across the way.

Quickly I made my way outside and ran towards the back of my Hobbit hole and grabbed my pony. I tied my pack to the back of the saddle and climbed up onto her.

Turning her to take a way out of the Shire through the trees to hide myself from the company.

We were merely a few miles out of the Shire when a small Hobbit started to screech from behind. I stopped my pony and looked at the Hobbit watching him run up to Balin waving a paper in front of him.

Curious? Why would they need contracts to be signed if merely they are just traveling through the countryside.

I kicked the side of my pony to catch up with the group. I could tell Gandalf knew I was there, he kept looking into the trees as if he was watching me the entire time. I shook the eerie feeling and looked back towards the path my pony was heading down.

Soon I heard his voice ring out echoing off the trees. "We will make camp here tonight!" Thorin yelled.

I sighed in relief and slid off my pony tying her to a tree branch before finding a good spot hiding from the company. No fire could be started for it would give my position away and start something I am not ready to start.

I can't even imagine how he would react, or even my kinfolk. I sighed and turned away looking deep into the dark forest my back resting against a cold rock.

"I'm surprised you have staid hidden this long." An old husky voice said. I jumped and looked up seeing Gandalf looking down at me. His hand griping his staff as he leaned into it a smile plastered across his face.

"Why are you surprised?" I asked and grabbed a nearby twig and started to play with it trying to keep my emotions under control.

He grunted as he moved and sat next to me and pulled out his pipe. We sat in silence for a good while before I finally broke.

"I'm scared to come out of hiding, I'm scared for how he will react. He thinks I'm dead. He is probably great full that I am because of what I did to him. I broke his heart." I sobbed tears starting to flow down my cheeks.

Gandalf wrapped an arm around my shoulders rubbing my right arm slowly to try to calm me down. "Dear Rose, why do you think such horrible thoughts? If you explain to him why you did that so long ago he will understand." He said softly.

Before I could respond shouts and yelling came from over near the company. I stood quickly looking over the rock not seeing anyone. "Where are they?" I gasped gripping my sward.

"Follow me, and do not come out of the shadows unless it is necessary." Gandalf warned me before running through the trees. I clenched my jaw following after him quickly.

Soon the trolls came into sight. They had several of the dwarves tied to a log rolling them over the fire, slowly roasting them.

"Wait, do not come out of this spot until I come for you." Gandalf whispered before disappearing into the brush. I looked up at the sky seeing the rays of sun starting to show.

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