Chapter 18

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Rose's POV

I groaned waking up the room cold from the fire going out. I whined and pressed into Thorin's chest more trying to stay warm. He groaned and woke holding me close. "What is wrong? Why are you awake at this hour?" He croaked.

"The fire went out and it is freezing in here." I whined pressing my face into his chest. Thorin chuckled and pulled away from me walking over to the fire to get it started back up. I sat up holding the blankets to my chest. "Aren't you cold?" I whined watching him.

Thorin glanced at me from over his shoulder. "I'm not too cold right now." he said and turned his attention back to starting the fire.

I hummed watching his bare back closely. My eyes traced the muscles along his back making me swallow hard. "I...I know a quick way to warm us up once you have the fire going." I found the courage to say; watching as Thorin got the fire started adding some logs to the fire to keep it going longer.

He turned and looked at me hearing my comment. "Oh really?" He asked standing and walked over to the bed; crawling under the covers and on top of me keeping his weight off my stomach.

"And what would that be?" He whispered kissing me softly. I groaned quietly feeling him press into me. "I think you know what I mean my King." I whispered pulling his hair softly feeling him kiss my neck. "Good I was hoping that is what you were meaning." He whispered nibbling my ear softly.

"Just remember be careful my King." I gasped feeling him. Thorin groaned loudly. "I...I know my love." he gasped and kissed me softly cupping my cheek slowly moving his hips against mine making me moan into his mouth.

He pressed his forehead into mine his breath heavy on my face. "Thorin." I gasped throwing my head back. He groaned watching me.

Soon there was a loud knock on the door. "Thorin!" Dwalin yelled.

"Don't stop." I gasped breathing hard holding onto his forearms. Thorin grunted feeling my nails dig into his forearms.

"Not now Dwalin!" He yelled glancing towards the door holding in a loud groan. I gasped throwing my head back feeling him move faster my breath catching in my throat.

"Thorin you said you were going to get up early and help me train the recruits!" Dwalin yelled going to turn the handle on the door.

Thorin glanced at the door then me. "Don't you dare stop Thorin...he will leave once he sees." I gasped and pulled him into a kiss. Thorin kissed me back and pulled back looking over at Dwalin seeing him walk into the room.

Thorin stopped all movement and looked at Dwalin. "I told you not to come in Dwalin." he growled and pulled the covers over me as he rolled off. Dwalin glared at him then looked at me. "How was I supposed to know what you were doing." he growled and threw Thorin his robe.

Thorin caught it and wrapped it around himself and huffed. "Obliviously just listen to me next time." Thorin growled and glanced back at me before going and getting dressed. I frowned and turned my back to Dwalin and Thorin tears welling in my eyes a few rolling down my cheeks and on to the sheets staining them.

Soon I heard the door shut. I glanced over my shoulder then sat up looking around the room not even seeing Thorin. I frowned and got up getting dressed not even bothering with my hair. I grabbed a shall and wrapped it around myself heading towards the library wiping a few stray tears away as I walked.

Pushing the door of the library open I spotted Ori and Balin. Balin looked up and smiled and quickly frowned seeing me crying. "Rose what is wrong?" He asked watching me walk over. He stood looking at Ori concerned. Ori glanced at me then back at Balin frowning. I quickly hugged him crying in to his shoulder.

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