Chapter 16

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Thorin's POV

I sat next to her bed watching her. She had some bandages on her arms and her cheek from scratches she obtained from the battle.

The healers told me that the twins were healthy and safe. I set my hand over her bump rubbing it softly.

"Please my love. wake up." I whispered and brushed her cheek sniffling.

"Thorin you need to get some sleep. I can watch over her. You can lay next to her if you wish or I can have a bed brought into here." Dwalin said stepping into the tent.

I glanced over my shoulder at him. "Have them bring a bed. I want her to have as much room as she needs so she can get a good rest so she can wake up sooner." I whispered and turned and looked at her.

I looked down at her hand seeing my ring still on her finger. I smiled and took her hand in mine and kissed it softly.

I looked over watching Dwalin set up the bed. "Sleep." he said looking at me once he was done.

I sighed and got up limping over to the bed. Slowly I laid down and looked over at Rose watching her sides slowly rise and fall.

Dwalin sat in the chair next to her and brushed her hair out of her face before looking over at me. "As soon as there is any sign that she is waking I will wake you. Now go to sleep My King." Dwalin said and smiled at me.

I sighed and closed my eyes my body finally relaxing some. Sleep came quick to me which I am grateful for.


"You can't catch me!" Rose screamed running down the hall. I laughed and ran after her as fast as my little legs could carry me. I looked over seeing Dwalin running next to me.

"Yes we can!" He yelled running after her.

She laughed and ran into the library hiding in Balin's robes giggling more.

I ran into the library looking around for her. "Balin! Have you seen Rose?!" I yelled looking around the shelves. Dwalin looked at his brother and huffed.

Balin chuckled and shook his head no. "I have not my young Prince. Why are you both looking for her?" He asked and glanced at his brother then back at me.

"We are playing a game. She says that we can't catch her." I said coming closer to him.

I heard a giggle come form his robes. I looked at his legs coming closer to him. Rose popped out and kissed my nose making me turn bright red.

She giggled and took off running again out of the library. "You missed your chance!" Dwalin yelled and took off running after her. I laughed and followed after them.

~End of Dream~

I groaned waking feeling someone shake my shoulder. I shot up thinking it was Dwalin. I frowned seeing Bofur. "I brought you some food and Dwalin, but he seemed to of fallin asleep too." He said and glanced over at him. I looked over seeing him asleep in the chair his arms crossed over his chest his chin resting on his chest.

"How is Fili and Kili?" I asked taking the bowl of soup from him taking a sip of it not realizing how hungry I was until the flavor touched my tongue. I took another big gulp of the stew finishing the bowl quickly.

"They are both doing well, resting like you. Dwarves have started to return to Erebor. They are fixing up the mountain. Balin said that you, Fili, and Kili should not enter the mountain until all of the gold is cleared out." He whispered and looked over at Rose.

I nodded and watched as he walked over and took a blanket out from his jacket and unfolded it and laid it over her. "Where did you get that?" I asked him.

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