Chapter 21

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Rose's POV

Panic showed on Thorin's face when he realized what was happening. I cried out again holding onto my stomach. Oin rushed over to me worried and looked at Thorin. "We need to get her back to your chambers." he said and left to get the wet nurse to help him.

I felt Thorin scooped me up into his arms making me cry out again. He kissed my cheek before taking me towards our chambers.

Pain ripped through my body. I held onto Thorin tighter. I winced as he pushed open our doors.  He walked over and carefully laid me down removing my shoes then my crown.

Oin walked in and frowned. "We need her to be in a loose night gown." he said and motioned for the wet nurse to find a dress for me.

I nodded and swung my feet off the bed and groaned standing holding my stomach. Thorin helped me stand and kissed my forehead. I held onto his forearms tightly feeling a sharp contraction. He frowned and whispered sweet things to me trying to calm me down.

Oin frowned and looked at me. "Lass we need you out of this dress." he said softly. I nodded and turned moving my hair for Thorin to undo my dress. He carefully and quickly untied my dress and pushed it off my shoulders and down my arms it pooling at my feet.

The wet nurse hurried over and helped me into my night gown and took my hands. I squeezed them hard feeling another contracting my eyes squeezing shut and my jaw dropping.

"Lay down Lass and I will see if you are close to when you need to push. When did you start to feel the contractions? They would have been cramps before this." Oin explained and watched me lay on the bed breathing heavily; sweat ran down my forehead already.

Thorin took my hand and squeezed softly and glanced at Oin as he lifted my dress and moved my legs to view me. "I..I think the cramps started before dinner." I managed to say setting a hand on my stomach wincing.

Oin nodded and frowned. "We have about an hour I would say if not sooner." he said and frowned. "Bare with me my Queen, you are strong." he said and smiled. I glared at him and squeezed Thorin's hand tightly. Thorin frowned and brushed my hair out of my face and used a cloth to clean the sweat off my forehead.

"Just remember to breath my love." He whispered softly. I looked at him. "I'm scared Thorin, I don't know if I can do this." I whispered squeezing my eyes shut feeling a contraction. Thorin squeezed my hand. "Rose listen to me, you are the strongest woman I know. You can do this without struggle understand that please." he whispered and kissed my temple glancing at my stomach.

I cried out in pain unable to respond to him an even worse pain hitting me. Oin rushed over to me and looked under my dress. "My Queen you are ready." He said and moved my legs up and my dress. The wet nurse came over with a damp cloth to clean the babies.

I glanced at Thorin and sat up some. He moved and sat behind me holding my hands and looked at Oin. I swallowed hard becoming scared.

"Next contraction you need to push, they will come quicker as you begin to push." Oin explained. I nodded and held Thorin's hands tightly breathing heavily.

Soon my body was hit with the contraction. I pushed as hard as I could screaming in pain throwing my head back against Thorin's shoulder. He whispered sweet nothings in my ear as I continued to push screaming every so often.

The pain was blinding. My vision was blurry from the pain. Soon the room was filled with the cries of my first born. The wet nurse rushed over and took the child from Oin cleaning it quickly before wrapping it in a fur blanket.

"My Queen you need to continue to push the other baby is close. Please this one will come easier than the first." Oin called. I tore my eyes from my crying baby and pushed clenching my jaw to stop myself from screaming. My body was growing tired. "Oin I don't know how much more I can push." I cried tears streaming down my face.

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