Chapter 4

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Thorin's POV

I walked back to the company holding Rose close. After a few minutes she had calmed down. Not enough though. I could tell the past was eating at her.

I looked over at my nephews and smiled. "Why don't you go talk to my nephews Fili and Kili." I whispered and smiled at her. She looked up at me and smiled heading over to the brothers.

Dwalin and Balin walked up to me looking at me curiously. "It seems like you two made up." Dwalin said smiling at me

I chuckled. "You could say we have. But I wish I knew what was happening to her. What my father and grandfather did to her." I said looking over hearing her sweet laugh filling with room with Kili and Fili's joining hers.

Balin smiled Hearing her. "What happened?" Dwalin asked again.

I sighed heavily and looked at them. "My father and grandfather tortured her until she agreed to tell me no when I asked to marry her because of her non noble blood and for she was carrying my child." I said

Dwalin and Balin looked at me shocked. "What happened to the child?" Balin asked.

I frowned and pulled out the necklace looking at the jewel on it. "Gandalf found her in Rohan. She told you guys she was ill. But she had lost the baby in Rohan. The stress from everything happening caused it." I said and looked at Balin and Dwalin my eyes glossy.

I forced at smile at them. I couldn't show weakness. Not in front of my kinfolk; the company at least.

Balin set his hand on my shoulder. "Do not blame yourself for the past. Just be happy you are given a second chance." He said. I smiled and nodded to him

Dwalin smiled and set his hand on my other shoulder. "Be Strong through this. Both you and Rose will move on from this. And you will have more children I'm sure of it." He said.

I chuckled and smiled at them. "I cannot thank you guys enough for all that you have done." I said looking at them then over at Rose seeing that she was showing Fili and Kili her necklace. I could tell by their faces and her actions that she was explaining to them what she had explained to me.

Rose's POV

I smiled weakly at the brothers once I had finished my story.

Fili took my hand and squeezed it softly. "I'm happy you are still here. Uncle needs you." He said. "You both need each other." Kili added smiling at me.

I blushed smiling at them both before looking over at Thorin. He smiled at me making my cheeks heat up even more.

Fili and Kili laughed seeing my red cheeks. I shoved them both playfully and looked over seeing Thorin walk up to us.

"It's time for bed." He said softly. I frowned and said goodnight to the brothers and stood heading over to my bed mat and sighed laying down.

I laid with my back to the company. My body stiffened feeling an arm wrap around my waist. Soon I was pulled into a hard chest and soon relaxed knowing who it was.

"Sleep my Rose. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." Thorin whispered and kissed the back of my neck softly before pressing his face into it.

I listened closely to his breathing. His heart beat. The pattern soon made me drift into deep sleep my body relaxing. And for once, I had no nightmares.


I woke feeling Thorin move. "Why are you moving so much." I groaned rolling into his chest. Thorin kissed my forehead. "Because we must leave before the elves know we have gone." He whispered brushing my cheek.

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