Chapter 13

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Rose's POV

I looked at Óin shocked. "T..twins?" Thorin asked looking at him.

Óin nodded. "Yes twins, two little ones swimming around in there. Congratulations you two! It's a blessing!" He said and hugged Thorin then me. "I will get a feast going!" He said laughing as he left the room leaving us still with shocked expressions.

Thorin looked at me tears in his eyes. "Thorin sweetheart what's wrong?" I gasped standing and cupping his face.

He started to cry uncontrollably. He wrapped his strong arms around me crying into my neck. I was taken back by this. I rubbed his back softly. "Shhh honey what is wrong?" I whispered again.

"I'm sorry for how I've been acting since we got in the mountain." He sobbed squeezing me slightly. I frowned and pulled back and kissed his forehead brushing his tears away. "Thorin, my love, it's not your fault. The sickness from the gold is causing it. But do not worry." I whispered and kissed his nose trying my hardest to cheer him up.

He smiled weakly at me and set his hand over my stomach again. "I'm scared Rose, w..what if something happens to me and I can't be here for the children?" He asked and looked up at me crying again. I frowned and wiped his tears away and kissed his forehead. "My King, do not worry about that. Do not think of such things." I whispered and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back and pulled away and kissed me softly cupping my cheeks.

He pulled back and pressed his forehead into mine. "I would be lost without you my love, now come on let's go get you three some food." He whispered and kissed my cheek making me blush.

I kissed his nose again and took his hand entwining our fingers together. As we walked slowly down the hall towards the dining hall. I smiled seeing a glow of light coming from inside along with the laughter of our kin. I looked at Thorin seeing him smile at me.

"There you two are!" Dwalin exclaimed smiling big seeing us. I blushed red and glanced at Thorin. "Sorry...we had some unexpected news." I said and sat down next to Fili and smiled. He nudged my shoulder playfully with his own smiling at me.

"What sort of news?" Bofur asked taking a sip of his ale. "That we are expecting twins." Thorin said sitting next to me taking my hand.

Bofur spit out his Ale all over Nori making the dwarf cry out in protest. Balin smiled big looking at us.

"Congratulations!" Balin exclaimed along with several others. I blushed red and leaned into Thorin as he rubbed small circles on my side. "It is very rare for us to have twins. Congrats again you two this is amazing!" Balin exclaimed again a smile plastered across his face.

Fili looked at me and smiled. "Congrats you two!" Kili yelled leaning to his his brother laughing. "He's had a bit much to drink tonight." Fili apologized. I chuckled. "It's alright." I said and started to eat my food hungrily humming to myself as I ate.

Thorin smiled as he ate watching me closely. I hummed and pushed my empty plate away my stomach swollen some from the amount of food I ate. "Now I actually look pregnant." I said laughing patting my stomach

Thorin chuckled and kissed my cheek. "Head back to my room to sleep for tonight. I'll be right behind you." He whispered and kissed my cheek again.

I blushed and smiled at him and stood; saying goodnight to everyone. I headed out of the kitchen to his room.

Thorin's POV

I sighed heavily watching her leave and looked at Fili and Dwalin. The only two left in the kitchen. "Is everything alright?" Dwalin asked.

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