Chapter 27

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Rose's POV

It has been a few days since we have seen Ferin or Ruby. Tholvin has been adjusting slowly. We have staid in our room for the past few days too. No one has seen us except the servants and Oin. I am sure the rumor has gotten out about the birth. Tonight we are joining dinner with everyone.

I sat in the rocking hair holding Tholvin close as he nursed. I watched him closely rubbing his stomach softly worried he would eat too much. Tholvin grunted pushing his tiny feet into my hand not liking me touching his stomach as he ate. I rolled my eyes and pulled my hand away and brushed his cheek.

Thorin walked over and smiled at me and our son. "How is he doing?" He asked fixing his robes. I hummed and moved him off me covering myself back up before patting his back getting a small burp from him. I stood rubbing his back softly. "He is doing great. Are you ready to take him to dinner?" I asked worried.

Thorin nodded and kissed me softly before he pulled back and kissed his head smiling. "Its time they meet their new prince." He said softly before taking my hand and leading me out of the room. I blushed seeing heads turn towards us many of the women gasping.

Tholvin was already asleep pressing into me. I smiled and looked up hearing the voices of the company and our children. I smiled and walked into the room everyone going quiet seeing us.

"Amad! Adad!" Ferin and Ruby yelled running over to us. Ferin stopped and looked at me confused. "Where is your tummy Amad?" He asked looking at his father. I laughed and crouched down so they could see their brother. "My tummy went away because your brother came." I whispered softly and looked at Tholvin then at Ferin and Ruby.

Ruby gasped and walked over looking at her little brother then at me. Ferin looked at him. "Is that why you didn't come get us?" He asked looking hurt. Thorin frowned and crouched down. "Ferin we couldn't come get you until he was strong enough to endure you two. He is smaller than what he should be right now understand?" He asked. Ferin and Ruby looked at him and frowned but nodded.

I smiled and stood seeing everyone look at us. Smiling, I walked over and sat in my chair and moved Tholvin some making him cry out in protest.

Dis smiled watching her nephew. "What did you name him?" She asked watching him. Tholvin pressed into me again falling back asleep. I smiled and looked up at everyone smiling. "We named him Tholvin." I said softly.

"Perfect!" Bofur said smiling big. I laughed and leaned back into the chair watching my children sit down and start eating. Thorin sat next to me and took my hand smiling. I smiled and squeezing his hand before letting go and started to eat carefully.

I looked out at everyone leaning back in my chair full. I looked down at Tholvin seeing that he was awake watching everyone. I smiled and looked at everyone seeing them mingling together. I loved this. I loved this feeling of all of us being together like a big family.

Bofur looked over at us and smiled watching Tholvin. Tholvin looked at Bofur with wide eyes. I chuckled unable to hold in a laugh. Thorin looked over at me raising an eyebrow. I motioned with my eyes to Tholvin. Thorin looked at his son and smiled big before following his eyes watching as Bofur made weird faces at Tholvin.

Tholvin grunted and moved some in my arms before pressing into me grunting again. I watched him closely worried. Dis looked over at Tholvin as well hearing him. "Is he ok?" she asked. I looked over at her. "I think he is just hungry is all. Even though he ate before we came." I said softly.

Carefully I unwrapped him from his blanket before laying it over him and my chest keeping him close. I untied the front of my dress moving it for him to nurse. I sighed heavily feeling him starting to nurse.

"What is he doing?" Ruby asked looking at me. I looked at her only to see Ferin giving me the same look. "Tholvin is eating honey." I said softly rubbing his stomach again. Tholvin cried out and pushed my hand away pressing closer to me. I jumped and looked under the blanket at him. His eyes were closed his tiny hands pushed into me as he nursed. Rolling my eyes and looked at my children then Dis.

"Kili used to cry out like that when I touched his stomach when he nursed. It was odd." Dis said smiling and looked at Kili seeing him turning bright red. I laughed and looked at Thorin smiling at him. Thorin smiled and sighed heavily.

"We have an announcement to make." Dwalin said standing setting a hand on Ori's shoulder. I looked over at him and smiled watching him curiously. Ori blushed and looked at everyone at the table now with all eyes on them.

"Ori and I are engaged! We plan on getting married in the spring!" Dwalin announced smiling big.  I gasped and looked at Thorin shocked. Thorin smiled at me and looked at Dwalin. "Congrats!" He said standing laughing hugging him then Ori.

I couldn't help but laugh at how red Ori's face turn bright red as people congratulated them. I covered myself back up before covering Tholvin wrapping him back in his blanket.

Tholvin made a loud noise as I stood walking over to my brother and hugging him. "I'm happy for you." I whispered and pulled back looking at him seeing him smile. He looked at Tholvin and smiled. "I am glad he is ok." He said softly.

I nodded and looked at Tholvin seeing him watching Dwalin closely as he pressed into me yawning.  Dwalin chuckled seeing him yawn.

Ori walked over shyly and smiled at me. "C...Can I hold him?" He asked shyly. Looking up at Dwalin then Ori I smiled big passing Tholvin over carefully to him. Ori gasped holding him close looking down at Tholvin.

Dwalin watched his one closely as he held his nephew.

Thorin walked over and set his hand on my shoulder smiling. "Once they are ready I approve of them to adopt an orphan." he whispered to me smiling big. I looked up at him and kissed his cheek. "Good." I whispered watching Ori now with Tholvin as a few others went over to watch Tholvin.

Tholvin looked up at Ori then at everyone else. I smiled and looked at Ferin and Ruby seeing them play with their food. "Looks like Adad is on bath duty tonight." I teased. Thorin looked at me then at his children and sighed heavily. "Great." He said sarcastically. I laughed and kissed his cheek smiling. Tholvin yawned making a loud noise catching everyone's attention. I smiled walking over to Ori.

"I think its time the young prince goes to bed." I said softly carefully lifting him from his arms. Tholvin whined and pressed into my chest yawning again. Ori frowned but nodded leaning into Dwalin. I smiled at them. "Goodnight." I said softly and looked at Ferin and Ruby. Ferin ran over and took my hand smiling up at me. I smiled and him and called goodnight leading my son down the hall holding Tholvin close as we headed to our room.

Ferin yawned loudly holding my hand tightly. I smiled and looked at Thorin as he carried Ruby who was asleep leaning on his shoulder. I chuckled and walked into the room leading Ferin into his room. Ferin whined and walked over to his bed falling onto it falling asleep instantly.

Thorin chuckled and laid Ruby down changing her clothes then Ferin's. I smiled watching him. Thorin looked at me walking over and kissed my cheek.

I walked backed to our room holding our new born. "Want me to hold him while you change?" Thorin asked pulling all of his clothes off leaving himself naked. I looked over at him. "Lay down and I will pass you him." I said softly.

Thorin nodded walking over to our bed. I smiled and followed his laying Tholvin carefully onto his father's chest. Tholvin let out a loud whine pressing into his father's chest. I rolled my eyes walking over to my side of the bed pulling my dress off laying down.

Thorin kissed my cheek moving Tholvin laying him on my chest. Tholvin smiled in his sleep pressing into my breasts. Thorin laughed watching his son. "Typical boy." I whispered rubbing his back softly watching him sleep.

Thorin kissed my cheek laying his head on my shoulder watching his son sleep. "I love all of you so much." He whispered. I glanced at him and smiled. "We all love you too my King. Now get some rest it is getting late." I whispered relaxing into the bed slowly falling asleep holding my son close to me a hand resting on his back. Thorin wrapped his arms around us protectively falling asleep.

I smiled even more in my sleep happy with what was going on in my life. Everything is perfect right now. I couldn't wish for anything else right now.

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