Chapter 6

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Thorin's POV

A faint glow came from the fireplace on the other side of the room. Rain hit against the sides of the mountain making a quiet echoing sound. But we were safe and dry, hidden in the mountain.

I looked over at my love. Her soft bare skin glowing in the dim light of the fireplace. I smiled to myself moving on the bed of furs brushing my hand slowly across her cheek moving her hair out of her face. Her beautiful skin glowed under the warm amber light of the fire.

Her mouth was slightly parted. Her sides slowly rising in her sleep. I smiled thinking of what we just shared moments before she had fallen asleep. I want to experience that over and over with her.

The feeling of her soft skin brushing against mine. It warmed me so. I watched as she slowly turned her back to me. Slowly I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her into my bare chest her skin warm and soft on mine.

She hummed waking slightly. "Why are you awake my love?" She whispered her voice heavy with sleep.

I hummed and kissed her bare shoulder. "I was just admiring you as you slept." I whispered looking into the fire.

She hummed and pressed into me. "You've watched me enough. Now go to sleep my love. You'll have plenty of more opportunities to watch over me." She whispered softly before slowly falling back asleep.

I smiled big. That reassured me even more. I kissed her head softly before laying my head back down pressing into her. Spooning her as I fell into a deep sleep holding her close.


I woke feeling sunlight on my cheek. I looked around seeing my kinfolk and even Gandalf fast asleep still.

Jumping as I felt something move against my chest. I looked down only to see Rose laying her head upon my chest. I frowned seeing the bruising around her neck from Azog. I sighed heavily

I smiled, pushing away the horrible memory, brushing her cheek softly. She stirred under my touch. Her eyes fluttering open as she looked up at me sleepily.

I frowned. "Sorry to wake you." I whispered to her. She hummed in response. "It's alright." She whispered and pressed into me more. "What's on your mind? You wouldn't be up this early if something wasn't on your mind." She whispered her voice heavy with sleep. She laid her head back on my chest.

Tracing small circles on her arm I sighed. "I was thinking of that night we shared in my room." I whispered and slid my hand to her hip.

She looked up at me. "I remember that night." She whispered.

I smiled down at her and leaned forward kissing her softly. She kissed me back before pulling away. "Remember what you told me when I woke you?" I whispered softly.

Rose smiled. "That you'd have plenty of opportunities to watch me sleep." She whispered. I smiled big and kissed her forehead. "You weren't wrong." I whispered and held her close.

She moved pulling away from my side. I watched her stand; stretching her body out. "I'm gonna get breakfast ready. Do not wake them until it is ready. Let them all sleep." She said. I watched as her gaze fall onto my nephews.

She smiled walking over to them and grabbed an extra blanket covering Fili up with the blanket before recovering Kili.

I smiled big watching her. She was definitely the motherly type. Even with losing our only child she still acted like a mother. Granted she was watching out for all of us. I wish I was with her before she lost the baby. Maybe our son or daughter could be with us now helping take back the homeland.

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