Chapter 14

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Rose's POV

I looked at Bilbo shocked. "Why did you take that from the mountain?! Thorin will kill you for taking it!" I screamed 

Gandalf put his hand on my shoulder. "Rose, you need to stay calm. Its not healthy for you to be loosing your temper like this." he said. I glared at him. "I have all the right to be angry with the hobbit! You know how bad this is going to be if Thorin finds out that he took the stone?!" I screamed my face turning red. 

Turning towards Bilbo I pointed a finger at him. "You had no right to take that stone from the mountain!!" I yelled. Bilbo frowned, "I took it as my share. Balin told me that if Thorin got the stone he wouldn't get better, he would get worse." he said frowning. 

I frowned and looked at Thranduil and Bard. "Its for the best child." Thranduil said. 

I growled and pushed my way out of the tent heading towards Erebor. "Wait! Rose! Please!" Bilbo yelled grabbing my arm. I stopped and looked at him. "Please don't leave. Don't go back to the mountain. There is a war coming, they are preparing for war. Even though we do not know for sure that there is a war coming, I can feel it. We all can." Bilbo said frowning. 

I sighed and looked down. "Listen, I need to fight in this war, pregnant or not they need me out there." I said looking at him. "My armor is back in Erebor." I added frowning turning my attention back to the mountain frowning even more. 

"I brought something for you to wear, Thorin gave it to me, but I want you to wear it." He said pulling out from his coat a shinny, white chain mail. I gasped seeing it. "Mithril." I whispered grabbing the shirt from him. 

"Thorin said no blade can pierce it. I want you to wear it to protect you and your children. ." Bilbo said frowning. "Thorin and the company can't afford to loose you three. If everything goes bad, the line of Durin rests within you" he added frowning at me. 

Turning, I looked towards the mountain holding the Mithril close. I took my shirt off, my back to Bilbo. I slipped my shirt on shivering at the cold metal touching my skin. Grabbing my shirt, I pulled it back on then my cloak.

 "You need to leave, go back to the company before they notice you are gone. I'm assuming Balin knows what you did. Tell him that I am alright....tell everyone especially Fili and Kili." I said and pulled him into a hug kissing his head. 

Bilbo looked up at me and smiled. "Take care of yourself and the twins." he said and watched as he disappeared into the night. Sighing heavily I set my hand over my small bump watching the mountain. 

"My lady?" I heard Bard's voice say from behind me. 

Turning I looked at him a hand resting over my stomach. "Yes?" I asked looking at him. 

"You should be inside getting warm." He said standing next to me looking out towards the Mountain. I sighed heavily and looked back at the Mountain. "I'm plenty warm sitting right here." I said rubbing my stomach some frowning. 

Bard sighed and looked at me. "You need to be inside where it is safe for you and your children." He said sternly looking at me still. 

I glanced over at him then at the mountain. "I can defend myself very well, I'm not incapable of doing that." I snapped and glared at him. Bard sighed. "Who knew dwarves could be so stubborn." he said. I laughed and looked at the mountain. "You must have never met Thorin on a bad day then." I said chuckling and frowned. 

"You miss him, even after he hit you." Bard said his voice quiet and soft. I frowned. He was right, even though Thorin hit me I still care deeply for him. I miss him so much. I should have never left the mountain. "I miss him a lot." I managed to say before breaking down in tears. 

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