Chapter 15

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Rose's POV

I groaned loudly waking up on a hard bed. I pushed myself up and looked around. Cursing myself. I had slept in and missed the meeting with Thranduil to head to the mountain to try to reason with Thorin.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake under me. Jumping to my feet, I grabbed my sward and dashed out of the building I was in and looked towards the mountain seeing Orcs coming out of the near side of the mountain.

My eyes widened it horror and fear. They would all be slaughtered. Quickly running down a trail weaving through the people that crowded dale, I headed towards the battle field.

It didn't take long for me to spot Dain. Slicing through Orc after Orc I made my way over to Dain.

"Rose! I didn't expect to see you!" Dain called before hitting another Orc.

I laughed and pulled him into a hug once we were free. "I'm glad to see you Dain." I said smiling.

"Where is Thorin?" He asked. I frowned and looked towards the mountain. "The gold has gotten to him Dain." I said and sliced through another Orc.

Dain cursed. "Retreat!" He yelled and grabbed my hand pulling me back towards his small army.

There are too many. Too few of us and too many of them. We will never survive this. All the dwarves lined up. Their shields created a barrier. I looked towards the mountain hoping the company would join us. Then my eyes lingered over to Thranduil's army.

"Lass are you ready?" Dain asked looking at me. I looked at him and swallowed hard. "Ready as I will ever be." I said and looked between the men in front of me seeing Azog's army running towards us.

Just as the Orc's and other creatures were about to hit the barrier of dwarves an elvish horn sounded. I looked up seeing Elvin warriors jump over us attacking the Orcs.

Dain's war cry rung throughout my ears making me wince slightly. I shook my head and ran after him staying by his side as I sliced through orcs. "Dain there are still too many!" I yelled.

"Where is Thorin!" Dain yelled in frustration hitting an orc with his head looking towards the mountain in disgust. I turned and looked at the mountain before seeing the bell break through the barrier. This seemed to stop all the fighting as their attention was diverted to the mountain.

My heart felt like it stopped watching as the dust began to clear as Thorin and the company burst through the haze. "About damn time!" Dain yelled swinging his mace hitting another orc.

I yelled my battle cry and started to slice through orcs. I tried to make my way to Thorin. Blood splattered in my face. Thankfully I haven't been hit with another's sward or ax.

I spotted Thorin with Dain seeing them embrace each other. "Thorin!" I yelled making it to them looking at him. Thorin turned and looked at me shocked. He ran up to me and hugged me tightly with his free arm. "Why are you here! You need to be hiding protecting our children." He said pressing his hand into my bump.

"Thorin, sweetheart I will be ok. We will be ok, now lets go and get Azog." I said and kissed him softly smiling big before pulling away and sliced through another Orc.

I didn't notice Thorin, Kili, Fili, and Dwalin riding upon the war goats heading for Raven hill. "Rose!" Bilbo screamed. I turned towards him seeing him point towards the hill. I gasped and looked at Gandalf.

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