Chapter 10

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Thorin's POV

I watched as Balin walked up to the bargeman. "I see you are from Laketown!" He exclaimed. I rolled my eyes not caring to listen.

"Thorin." Rose croaked from below squeezing my hand weakly. I looked at her brushing her cheek. "Shh honey don't talk. Save your energy to keep you and our baby alive." I whispered pressing a soft hand to her stomach.

She smiled weakly at me. "I love you." She whispered. I smiled. "Love you too." I said softly and looked up at the bargeman.

"And why would I take you to Laketown? I know where these barrels came from. I have no idea what business you had with the elves but the Master of the lake relies on trade with the elves." The man said.

I stood leaving Rose's side making her gasp. "Please we will pay you double if you take us. Please. She's hurt." I said moving for him to see Rose. "And He is too." I said motioning to Kili. This was unlike me to act this way. But I have so much on the line as is right now. My queen pregnant with my child laying here bleeding out and my sister's son being poisoned. I needed to get them to safety.

He glanced over at Kili before looking back at me. "Please....she pregnant. She can't afford to loose the baby." I pleaded receiving shocked looks from my company.

The bargeman face hardened at the mention of Rose being pregnant. A few moments had past before he finally spoke. "Very well. Load the barge with the barrels." He sakd before moving the barrels.

I turned and saw that Bilbo had taken his tiny coat off and laid it over Rose who was shivering. I frowned and picked her up carefully in my arms holding her close.

Bilbo frowned at me and followed me to the barge. Walking over; carefully I passed her down to Dwalin before climbing into the boat.

She looked over at me smiling weakly her lips turning purple.

"We must hurry." I said desperately looking at the bargeman. "I can stitch her up back in Laketown." He said and using a long pole to move the barge forward.

I took her carefully from Dwalin once I handed my money to Balin for him to count. "She's shaking like a leaf." Dwalin said worried.

I frowned and him and kissed her cheek trying to keep her warm. "Fili come here." I said softly.

Fili stood and walked over frowning at Rose. "You are always warm. Keep her warm please." I begged.

Fili nodded and took her from my arms sitting on a bench wrapping  his arms around her. I watched as she slowly calmed down pressing into Fili.

I frowned and looked at Balin as he counted the money.

"I say we throw him overboard." Dwalin whispered.

"He has a name....his name is Bard." Bilbo said looking over at us.

"And how would you know?" Dori asked. "I asked him." Bilbo stated.

"I don't care what his name is. I don't like him" Dwalin said.

"It doesn't matter if we like him or not. We simply have to pay him. And we are ten coins short." Balin said.

I frowned and looked at the company seeing them feel there pockets. Before becoming distracted seeing the Lonely Mountain. I stood looking up at the mountain. We are so close now.

"Here." I heard her sweet, weak voice call out. I turned and saw her holding out a coin sack her hands shaking. Fili smiled at her then looked at me frowning slightly.

Balin frowned and took the sack and smiled at her. He added her coins and smiled. "There." He said and gathered them in a larger sack.

I sighed and looked at him. "She taking a great risk for all of us. Especially for herself carrying her baby under all the circumstances we are going through." He whispered. I frowned and nodded.

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