Chapter 24

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Rose's POV

I groaned and woke. It was still dark out. A faint glow came from the fire. I looked over and saw that Thorin was still fast asleep his back to me. I quickly got up and hurried to the washroom covering my mouth before throwing up into the toilet.

After a few more times of throwing up whatever was left in my stomach; I stood weakly and flushed before rinsing my mouth out with water. I sighed heavily and walked over slipping my night dress on before walking into the twins room to check on them.

I smiled seeing that Ruby had moved from her bed and was snuggled into Ferin. I sighed heavily and went back to my room I shared with Thorin seeing that he was wake and starting up the fire again. "Why are you up? Its barely dawn." He whispered and looked at me.

"Morning sickness started early today." I said my voice hoarse from throwing up. I laid back down and sighed my body relaxing into the bed. Thorin frowned and crawled back into bed once he put his trousers back on.

He wrapped his arms around me pulling me close and kissed my forehead. "Are you feeling better now that you threw up this early?" He whispered rubbing my back softly. "Some, but I'm still sore from last night." I whispered and snuggled into him yawning.

Thorin chuckled softly and kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry love." he whispered and set a hand over my stomach softly. "Go back to sleep. I am not doing any Kingly duties tomorrow. Sleep as long as you want I will watch over the children." he whispered and kissed my head. I hummed in response before slipping into deep sleep snuggled close to Thorin's chest sighing heavily.

I was woken by a loud squeal. I lifted my head feeling the warm sun on my face. Groaning I stood and wrapped a robe around myself and walked over to the adjoining door of the twins room and smiled watching Thorin try to dress Ferin. I covered my mouth to hold in a giggle watching a half naked boy run around the room trying to get out of the reach of his father. Ruby laughed more sitting on her bed dressed in a light pink dress. Her light brown hair braided into a single braid behind her back. I chuckled and looked back at Ferin.

I decided to help poor Thorin seeing him become upset trying to catch his son. "Ferin, if you don't get dressed right now you don't get to go and see Uncle Dwalin train the recruits." I said sternly trying to keep a stern look on my face.

Ferin stopped and looked up at me and frowned. "Yes Amad." He said before stomping over to his father and lifted his arms so he could put his shirt on. Thorin rolled his eyes and pulled the shirt on and kissed his forehead. Ruby jumped off her bed smiling at her brother.

Thorin stood and walked over to me and kissed me softly earning several "Ews" from the twins. I rolled my eyes and pulled away and looked at them. Ferin was making a kissy face at his sister and laughed. Thorin rolled his eyes watching them. "They remind me so much of Dis and Frerin." he whispered. I frowned and nodded and leaned into him. 

"Let's get them to breakfast then Ferin can go see Dwalin and you and Ruby can have a day to yourselves." I whispered and kissed his cheek pulling away and changing into a loose dress and looked over at Thorin smiling. Thorin smiled and walked over and kissed my forehead. 

"Children!" Thorin called. Ferin and Ruby squealed chasing each other into the room and smiled at us. "Ready!" Ruby squealed giggling more. 

Thorin rolled his eyes and took my hand leading me down the hall with our children running ahead of us. I sighed heavily watching them. "I wish I had their energy." I whispered watching them as they giggling weaving through the busy Dwarves of Erebor. 

Thorin chuckled and nodded. "I agree." he said smiling seeing Ferin run into Bofur. Ferin rebounded and fell on his bum with a gasp. 

I gasped and hurried over to him worried he got hurt. 

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