Chapter 20

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**Four months later**

Rose's POV

I groaned feeling yet another kick from one of my children. I rubbed the side of my stomach and walked into the kitchen. Walking over to the cupboard I grabbed out tea from the cupboard. Putting a pot on the stove to heat the water. I sat in a chair rubbing my stomach waiting.

"More tea?" Dis asked walking into the kitchen. I jumped and looked over at her. "Yes, they are non stop kicking me. I need to have something to calm my stomach at least." I said and looked over hearing the pot whistle. I went to stand only to have Dis stopped me as she went and poured my tea.

"You may go into labor early. Most ladies don't make it the full nine months with twins. At least that is what I have heard, the last twins born here in the mountain was Dwalin and you." Dis said walking over with the cup of tea handing it to me.

"Thank you." I said and blew on the tea before taking a sip. "Oin said that also. I'm worried about it." I said frowning resting the cup on my stomach sighing heavily.

Dis frowned and sat next to me. "Do not worry, you are strong Rose, you will get through this easily. You have been through so much you have a tough skin." She said squeezing my hand. I blushed and sipped my tea again and winced feeling a sharp kick to my ribs.

Dis raised an eyebrow. "I'm surprised my ribs aren't bruised." I said through gritted teeth. Dis laughed. "I felt the same with Kili, the boy wouldn't give me a break." she said giggling.

I laughed and stood sighing heavily. "I need to get the nursery decorated at least. Thorin said he would help me months ago, but he's been in meetings or helping Dwalin. I feel like I never see my husband." I stated heading towards the door carrying my cup.

Dis frowned and followed me. "My Queen, please slow down!" Dis gasped running up and grabbing my arm. I stopped and looked at her upset. "What do you want? Are you coming to help me with my nursery or not?" I snapped looking at her. Dis frowned and pulled her hands away from me.

I huffed and walked away heading towards my chambers mumbling to myself as I opened a door next to mine looking at the bare room. Only two cribs stood in the corner of the nursery. I sighed heavily and set my cup on the windowsill and started to cry into my hands.

I should've seen this coming. Thorin stopped paying attention to me as soon as our wedding night was over. I have been on my own since then. On my own again taking care of myself and now my children. I don't know how much longer I can do this. He never comes home. If Dis is right and I give birth early Thorin would jut ignore me again. Cast me aside. He probably has a girl on the side, someone younger, prettier, and not pregnant.

I grabbed my cup and threw it across the room it hitting the wall shattering.

"My Queen?!" I heard someone shout and run into the nursery. I looked over my cheeks stained with tears as Kili came running into the room. He put his sward away and ran over and pulled me into a hug rubbing my back. I hugged him back the best I could with my stomach crying. "H...He doesn't for me anymore!" I sobbed into his neck crying harder now my body shaking. Kili frowned and pulled back wiping my tears away.

"Oh Auntie, Uncle loves you so much and the twins!" He started to say. "If he loves me so much then way is he never here!" I screamed and pulled away from him looking out the window crying still. Kili frowned and set a hand on my shoulder. "Rose lets go and lay down for a nap. You shouldn't be stressing so much." He whispered. I looked over and nodded and let him lead me into the chambers and helped me lay down. He took my shoes off and sighed.

I pulled the covers up and sighed heavily closing my eyes. I felt Kili brush my hair out of my face and soon I found myself in deep sleep my body exhausted.

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