Chapter 17

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Rose's POV

I smiled looking around Thorin's room. It was just like I remembered it. Furs covered the floor, the fire place was lit casting a warm glow throughout the room.

I smiled spotting dresses in the closet for me. I rubbed my stomach frowning that none of the dresses would fit me.

"Why are you frowning?" I heard a female voice say from the door. Turning I gasped seeing Dis.

She smiled at me and opened her arms up. I ran over and hugged her tightly laughing . She laughed and quickly pulled away and pressed her hand into my stomach and smiled even more.

"Mahal, I thought the rumors weren't true. You really are pregnant!" She gasped and hugged me again laughing. "I have dresses you can wear for your stomach don't worry! Dresses are way more comfortable to wear while you are pregnant trust me." Dis said smiling big.

"Well Dis, do you have dresses that will work for a girl pregnant with twins?" I asked smiling big watching her reaction.

Dis looked at me shocked. "You're joking." She said watching me. I blushed red and looked at my stomach then back at her. "Why would I joke with you about that?" I asked.

She laughed and hugged me again. "I'm sure some of mine will fit. If not we can get a tailor to make you some. Now come on dinner is almost ready and Thorin is getting impatient. I told him I would come and get you." She said leading me down the hall.

"I'm so happy to be home." I said looking around the halls. Dis nodded in agreement. "Me too." she said smiling big.

"Does Fili and Kili know you are home?" I asked looking at her stopping before the dinning hall. Dis looked at me and blushed. "No they don't I want to surprise them, that's why I went and got you. Now you go in there first and I will sneak in and surprise my boys." Dis said and gave me a hug.

I laughed and hugged her back and pulled away walking in to the hall. All eyes turned and looked at me. I blushed when everyone looked at me. I was wearing one of my old dresses my bump very visible with the dress being a little too small.

Thorin smiled big watching me walk over and sit next to him. He took my hand and smiled at me. "Where is Dis?" he whispered into my ear and placed a hand over my bump. I hummed and smiled. "Sneaking in to surprise Fili and Kili." I whispered watching the brothers as they poked at each other.

I smiled and leaned back into my chair watching Dis sneak up behind her boys and put her finger to her mouth seeing everyone look at her. They smiled at her and continued on.

Thorin smiled and squeezed my hand watching his sister.

"When do you think mother will get here?" Kili asked frowning. I frowned. "Do you miss your mother a lot Kili?" I asked glanced at Dis watching her before looking at Kili. Kili frowned and nodded. "More now that we are in Erebor. I sent her a letter, Fili did also, but we never got a response from her." He said frowning.

I frowned and nodded to Dis.

"Well my boys, you don't have to worry any more." Dis said setting her hands on their shoulders.

The looks on their faces were priceless. Pure joy spread across their faces as they shot up and hugged their mother kissing her cheeks making her smiling big.

I sniffled wiping a tear from my face and looked over at Thorin. "I hope our children act like that." I whispered. Thorin brushed my cheek softly. "Do not worry, they will." he whispered and kissed me softly making me smile big.

I pulled away hearing someone clear their throat. I looked around the table and saw Dwalin glaring over at Thorin and I. "Got a problem?" I snapped looking at him. Dwalin shifted and looked away at his food as he continued to eat.

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