Chapter 7

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Rose's POV

Thorin had sent Bilbo to scout ahead. I pressed into his side hearing the howls of the wargs. They were not far off. "They are getting closer!" Ori whined and looked at Gandalf then Thorin.

"Do not worry. Bilbo will be back shortly." Thorin said squeezing my hip some.

Before Ori or Gandalf himself could reply a horrible roar echoed into the valley. I gasped pressing as much as I could into Thorin.

We had been hiding in the forest for two weeks now trying to find the safest way out. Only to be dodging Orcs and now some unknown creature.

To add to all the running and hiding, I wasn't feeling too fresh. My body hurt. My stomach most of all hurt the worst. I couldn't confront Óin about this situation. I couldn't risk him confronting Thorin about it. I knew too well what this feeling was.

I had to be the one to tell him. But I'm scared too. If I tell him he may leave me somewhere. I can't risk that. I can't risk not being by his side.

"Rose!" Thorin yelled shaking my shoulders.

I shook my head clearing my thoughts and looked at him. "What?" I asked.

"We need to run." He said before taking my hand pulling me along running after the rest of the company.

Oh no. I don't know how much longer I could hold it down. Running made it feel even worse.

I turned looking over my shoulders to see a bear burst out from the trees. I gasped and suddenly my stomach was forgotten. Instincts taking over I started to run faster.

Soon I was the one pulling Thorin along. A house lay before us. Gandalf pushed the doors open and turned to us. "Quickly inside!" He yelled.

He didn't have to remind me. I ran into the house and leaned up against a pillar gasping for breath.

I jumped seeing the Bears jaws snap between the doors at my kin.

They hand gotten the door pushed closed and locked.

"What was that?" Ori asked and looked at Gandalf.

"That was our host. His name is Beorn. And he's a skin changer." Gandalf said and gave us a odd smirk.

"Sometimes he's a large black bear. And other times he's a strong man. The bear can be unpredictable but the man can be reasoned with. Now get some sleep" He said before disappearing into the house.

I watched as my kin found their beds among piles of hay and straw. I quickly saw my chance and got out of Thorin's sight.

Finding a side door, I quickly opened it running out. I buckled over throwing up into a bush. I groaned pressing my hand to my stomach.

I jumped feeling a hand on my back. I wiped my mouth and turned to see Gandalf smiling at me.

I couldn't handle it. I started to cry and hugged him tightly around the stomach pressing my face into him.

"Oh my dear Rose, this is a blessing beyond measure for you and Thorin. For the whole company even!" Gandalf whispered trying to cheer me up.

"No....I'm scared. If I tell him he will leave me Gandalf. I can't leave his side. What if it happens again?" I sobbed looking up at him

He frowned and brushed my cheek. "It won't happen again and when you tell him you will become glued to his side. Now here." He said handing me a small pale of water.

I blushed and drank the whole thing and hiccuped looking up at him. "Go back inside. Thorin has become worried you've ran off." He whispered and pushed me towards the door.

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