Chapter 8

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Rose's POV

I dismounted my pony and looked at the forest. Something was odd about this place. It gave off an eerie feeling. I glanced to to Fili and Kili seeing them giving me odd smiles.

I glared at Fili already knowing he told his brother my secret. He gave me an apologetic look. I huffed and walked over to the brothers my emotions making myself even more angry than that I needed to be.

"I told you not to tell him! I trusted you with a secret Fili Durin!" I snapped and looked at Kili and pointed a finger at him. "If you even open your mouth to Thorin or anyone in the company about my current state I will tan you hide understand me?" I asked. I could feel my face becoming hot from my anger. My hand balled into a fist.

"I understand. I'm sorry. Don't take your anger out on Fili. He did not tell me. I figured it out myself. I secretly guessed you were already." Kili said frowning at me.

"Guessed what?" Thorin asked walking up to us. I froze hear his deep musky voice. Before I could respond Kili quickly answered him. "I told her I guessed right that those berries she ate had made her sick. I warned her but she didn't listen." He said and smiled at me.

I frowned but nodding to him in thanks before taking Thorin's hand. "Come we need to get moving." I whispered and watched as he turned to leave. I looked at the brothers and mouthed "sorry." To them before following Thorin.

"For now on I want you to watch what you are eating. If you eat the wrong thing you could die." Thorin said stopping and turning me to face him. I looked up at him and frowned. "I'm sorry." I whispered lowering my head feeling tears ready to escape.

Thorin frowned and pulled me into a tight hug kissing my forehead before pulling away looking at Gandalf. I whined at the lost of contact. But his hand still clasped around mine.

"You need to stick to the path! Do not stray from it for you'll never find it again!" Gandalf called out drawing everyone's attention while he sat upon his horse.

"Your leaving?" Bilbo asked walking up to him making him frowned. "I wouldn't be leaving if I didn't have too. Do not enter the mountain until I get there!" Gandalf yelled kicking his horse in the sides heading back towards Beorn's.

"Let's get moving if we want to make it before Durin's day!" Thorin yelled headed towards the forest. I squeezed his hand slightly harder becoming scared of the trees.

He turned and looked at me. "Walk with Kili and Fili." He whispered softly letting my hand go kissing my forehead softly. I frowned and sulked back to the brothers standing between them.

"Why are you so down?" Kili asked as we followed the stone pathway. "I don't know." I mumbled back just looking down at my feet as we walked.

I was greatful that the brothers didn't pressure me any about the subject.

Before I knew I had ran into Óin. "Why have we stopped!" Thorin yelled stepping to the front of the group.

"The path! It's gone!" Bofur yelled standing at the edge of a drop off.

"Spread out and find it!" Thorin yelled. I groaned hearing him and watched my kinfolk break apart.

My head started to feel fuzzy and light headed like as if I was drunk. I leaned into a tree groaning pressing my hand into my head. I pushed off the tree heading back towards the group.

"We have been going in circles!" Bilbo cried before turning and climbing a tree. I looked up watching him go. I gasped before Thorin pinned me against a tree anger flashed in his eyes.

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