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I'm right in front of Pledis entertainment. I was nervous as well as excited. My dreams are riding on this audition.
You can do it, Yn. Fighting.

I walk into the building. After that, I was escorted to the meeting room.

..: please wait here for a moment.

Sure. Thank you

I sat down and started looking around.

Seventeen POV
We walk into the building and on the way to the CEO room.

Seungcheol knock on the door.

CEO: come in.

Seungcheol opened the door,
Seungcheol: you wanted to see us, sir?

CEO: yes, I wanted to let you guys know that. We have decided to let you guys debut solo.

Everyone: eh!?

CEO: but not all are able to do that. Some might be a duo and a team.
So for group schedule will be put off for now.

Woozi: But why?

CEO: the public wants something new and looks like our plans are not working anymore. So I decided to let everyone choose what they want to do. Whether you want to debut as a solo, actors, variety shows, or improve some skills is fine too. If you want a break to think about what you want to do, It's fine too.
You guys have a year to decide your own path.

Everyone looked at each other. Then someone finally voices out.

Woozi: so it fine, if I just want to focus on producing my songs.

CEO: yes. You can do it for a year.
You can take it's as an annual holiday. After that, we will be back as a team to create a new image of seventeen.

After all that we were dismissed and we walked out of the office.

Mingyu: so what are we going to do now?

Woozi: I've decided to focus on writing songs.

Seungkwan: maybe I should do variety shows. Maybe a host!?

Seungcheol: let's meet at the practice room and discuss this further.

The door suddenly open.

Yn: Hello.
I give a deep bow.

...: yes hello.
It was the person who gave me the card yesterday.

....: thanks for coming to the audition.

Yn: no, I must thank you for giving me a chance.

...: if you're ready, please look into the camera and sing.

I started to sing a song.
The audition took a half hour.

...: thank you for today. We will contact you if you passed.

Yn: thank you very much.

I was about to leave when he said,

...: you can go down to our cafeteria, we have the best food there. Here this the coupon for a free meal.

Yn: thank you.

I make my way down to the cafeteria. It looks like it opened to only Pledis artists and family. I'm so lucky to be able to try this.


Dino: so what now Hyung. Are we really going to take a break?

Seungcheol: looks like it.

Jeonghan: But on the bright side we get to do what we want to do for a year. And we could take this as a break since we been working for 5 years already.

Mingyu: I might be taking some acting classes. I can use this time to practice acting and become an actor. This might help promote seventeen too.

Wonwoo: me too. I will study acting too.

Hoshi: I was thinking of creating a team. How about SOON...

Dk: SEOK...

Seungkwan: BOO. Hahaha, maybe we can be a trio.

Seungcheol: how about you Vernon?

Vernon: I.. I don't know, maybe improving on my rapping skills.

Seungcheol: hmm.. me too.

Everyone talked about what they would plan to do.

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