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A girl!?

Wonwoo POV
Yn is a girl and not a boy? But why?
And I even kissed.......

He hid his head slightly and said;
paboo...paboo ya jeon Wonwoo, you and your stupid drinking habits.

I didn't know that Yn is a girl, and after what I did, it's now awkward to face her.

Seungcheol was at the studio monitoring the others shoot.

Seungcheol: Mingyu Ah, don't do that.

Mingyu: why? This is my signature pose.

Seung Kwang: more like signature don't stop doing that.

Mingyu: the fans love it.

Mingyu just ignore what they said, because he knows that his fans will love this pose.

Jun spotted Wonwoo walking from afar.
Jun: oh Wonwoo ah, it's your turn next.


Jun: what's wrong?

Wonwoo: nothing.

Cameraman: Wonwoo-ssi, your turn.

Wonwoo: nae.

Wonwoo gathers all his focus on shooting his shots, but when Yn walked towards the studio waiting for her turn, he lost focus as he was thinking to himself.

Cameraman: Wonwoo-ssi, look here.

Wonwoo: oh Sorry.
And focus back to the camera but once in a while, he looked back to Yn.

Vernon who was watching Wonwoo photoshoot spotted that he kept taking small glances at Yn.

Vernon POV
I was monitoring Wonwoo Hyung's photoshoot and found that he kept glancing at something so I followed he vision and saw that he was actually staring at Yn.

Don't tell me Wonwoo Hyung found out, he's quick with picking things up.

Cameraman: okay, next one.

Wonwoo: thank you.

Staff: Yn-ssi, your next.

Yn: oh okay.

Finally, it's my turn, I'm nervous at the same time excited as it's my first photoshoot. I listen to the cameraman and pose as he asked me too.

I could feel many pairs of eyes staring at me when I'm shooting.

The rest of the members were monitoring Yn as he was the last one to shoot the individual shots and they wanted to cheer and look after him.

Cameraman: okay, we're done.

Everyone: thank you very much.

Yn: thank you very much.

We all bow to the staffs continuously.
As we were about to leave the studio, the cameraman stopped us.

Cameraman: wait. Can we have some duo shoots of the members since one of the staff recommended that it would be Brice to have pairs taken?

The managers were discussing as we have other schedules to meet.
Managers:......okay just another 30mins.

Cameraman: thank you, erm...... Joshua and Jun first pair.

Joshua & Jun: nae.

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