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Soon it was time for us to get on stage.

Dino: Yah, the carats must be waiting for us.

Seung Kwan: of course, carats are the best.

Woozi: They are our carats.

I was staring at them debating again with each other.

Jeonghan: So.., feeling nervous?

Yn: oh Hyung, not really. I guess I am more excited than nervous now. but sometimes I do get a bit nervous when I'm on stage.

Jeonghan: Don't worry, you will do fine.

Myungho POV
Jeonghan patted Yn on her head and I caught that scene. I look at jeonghan hyungs face, and saw a bright smile, unlike the ones he shows to the fans and members. It was a smile when he's in love.

The8: No way! Hyung couldn't have caught on that Yn is a girl right?

I walk up to wonwoo and Vernon to tell them. they both look at the direction where yn and jeonghan hyung was standing.

wonwoo: Do you think... jeonghan hyung knows?

Vernon: I am not sure, but it does look like he's caught on. We can say for sure, we can't ask him too. In case that might expose Yn, and she might be in more danger.

Wonwoo: looks like we need to take turns in guarding her, or else the secret can no longer be kept if that's how things are going.

The8: okay.

Vernon: I think that's a good idea.

Soon we are starting the performance and I could feel nervous already.

Wonwoo: It's okay, don't be nervous.

Yn: wonwoo hyung! Hmm... I'm won't be, the fans are waiting or us, so there's no room for mistakes.

Wonwoo POV
Wonwoo: It's okay, don't be nervous.

Yn: wonwoo hyung! Hmm... I'm won't be, the fans are waiting or us, so there's no room for mistakes.

I smile at her courage to calm herself when she's already so nervous. she looks cute like that, that's what I like about her.

Eh..!? Like!? Me? I like her!?

Yn: Hyung? let's go, it's starting already.

Wonwoo: Oh, okay.

I slowly watch her walking, and thinking to myself about how much she has influenced me and my heart.

Jeonghan POV
I saw won woo and yn talking, and when yn walk off, I could see how dumbfounded won woo is. No way... it couldn't be.. can it? Don't tell me that won woo know yn is a girl too? If he did why didn't he tell us?
I wonder if any other members knows too.

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