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A few days later 

CEO: so have you decided?

Yn: yes.., I've decided to not debut as a boy.

CEO: why? It's a rare chance.

Yn: I know, but I can't just debut on my own, I have friends that have gone through tough and bad times with me and it hurts me to keep secrets for her. I want to pursue my dreams with her. She a part of my life and she's my family now.

CEO: I understand.

I'm Glad that he understands, and I finally felt relief.

A few weeks later.
Staff: I'm looking for Yn.

A staff burst into the practice room.

Soori: she here.

Staff: come with me Yn.

Yn: oh.. okay

I have no idea what's going on but the staff seem to be panicking and he's covered in sweats. So I just it must be something urgent.

I then got into a car and headed off.

Today is the press conference for seventeen. I'm gonna announce their comeback as a group again and a new member will be joining them.

CEO: okay get ready kids. The press conference is starting soon.

Everyone: yes, sir.

Mingyu: the CEO look nervous today. He's usually not that nervous when having a press conference.

Seungcheol: yup, I find him extra attentive today. Usually, it will be the staff to call us but this time he even came down and called us himself.
I wonder what's going on. I have a bad feeling today.

Back to...
Staff: here put this on.

Yn: what is this?
I looked inside to find a boy's clothing and a wig.

Yn: you want me to put this on?

Staff: yes, hurry now. I have no time to explain.

I hurried to put on everything and the stylish hurried draw my make up.

After that, they took me somewhere that looks like a backstage. I could hear mumbling from the other side of the wall.

Staff: Yn, now go.

Yn: Eh?

Staff: just go to the stage and stand there.

Yn: But..
I was so confused but I eventually get out there and lots of flashes were point towards me so I could open my eyes. I was shocked to see many reports in front of me. Then a voice pulled me back to reality.

CEO: I would like to introduce the newest member and the 14 members of seventeen.

Seventeen members: EH...!?

Crowds: eh.!? *Whisper*

Reporters were shocked and they asked many questions but the CEO said nothing in response.

CEO: that will be all of today, thank you for being here.

And the staff starts to lead seventeen members backstage and the CEO led me back too.

After we were away from the crowds, the CEO just walked away. So I chased after him.

Yn: what's the meaning of this sir?

CEO: just as you heard, you are seventeen's new member now. You will start training with them and perform with them.

Yn: But... I clearly told you my intentions. And...

CEO: you can still stay in your own dorm, and I have appointed a stylish just for you and she will know your identity. Don't worry she will keep it a secret. As for you, do not let the members know that you're a girl.

Yn: But... this is...

Before I could finish he said,

CEO: what I said could not be undone, it's going to be broadcast nationwide and internationally. You might have lots of anti-fans, but I believe that you can overcome that.
Okay, I need to go now, go to the waiting room behind and look for Ms.Goon. She will be your stylist. And she will help you get out of here, there will be many reporters outside so follow her orders.

Yn: But sir...
He left. I was dumbfounded but I started to go to the waiting room hoping ms.goon can tell me what's going on.

Knock knock
Yn: hi, I'm looking for ms.goon.

Seung Kwang: so he's the one.

I was shocked to find who was in that room.

Seungcheol: so this is the new face huh.

Jun: hi, I'm jun. I guess you already know. I'm not objecting to having a new member but just don't border me when I'm playing the piano.

Yn: Eh? Oh okay..
Everything was happening too fast that I don't know how to digest everything.

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