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Yn: You wanted to see me?

CEO: yes. How are you?

Yn: I'm fine, thank you.

CEO: you got me worried. I almost died hearing the news.

Yn: Eh!?

CEO: If anything happened to you, how am I going to face your Father.

Yn: Eh? My Father? What are you talking about? I'm an orphan.

CEO: I didn't want to let you know, but knowing that you could lose your life any moment and I couldn't bare to not let you know the truth.

Yn: the truth? About what?

CEO: My name is Woo Jungha. I am your Uncle.

Yn: WHAT!? How can that be? Are you joking with me CEO-Nim.

CEO: I know it's a lot to take in. Living all alone until now not knowing you have a family.

Yn: But... I am an orphan, I don't have parents or family.

CEO: Your name is Woo Yn. Your Father is the one who gave you that name.

Yn: My Father?

CEO: Yes, the famous indie band singer, Woo Jungwon. He is your Father and the number one hot idol of history is your Mother, Park YoungMi.

Yn: eh!? Woo Jungwon? How can he be? I always look up to him as and idol.

CEO: don't you ever wonder why people your age is interested in those song rather then songs that are trendy now.
It's because since young, it's the songs that he always sang to you.

Yn: what!? No wonder when I first heard this song, I felt like I've heard it before. But I thought that I was too young to have heard it before.
So where are they now? Where are my parents?

CEO: .... they have both passed on.

Yn: eh...!?
I slump to the ground upon hearing it.

CEO: I know telling you the truth is too cruel for you but... I want you to know how and what happened to them.

After listening to the stories of my parents, I cried. Although I don't remember them but whatever he told me, I could feel the love they had for me.

Yn: So they didn't abandoned me.

CEO: after they lost you in that crowd, your Father confronted the fans that took you away. But they said they didn't take you. Your Father was so mad and your Mother was devastated. Every night they were worried about you, wondering where were you. Every time they have a clue about a 5 year old girl who was missing and was found, they rushed down to see if it was you.

One day, a call said they found you. Your parents rushed out even though it was raining heavily, they travel far to see if that was their baby girl. On the way, they met with an accident.

After that, I took on the role in fulfilling his wishes.... that is to find you. After years of finding, I finally got a clue. When I when to that orphanage, they said that you have left years ago. I even lost the only clue I have, but when I saw you that day in the practice room, you look exactly like YoungMi and when i ask for your name, I was shocked. I wonder if you could be the one I'm looking for.

So I did some background check on you, and to my luck, the person that my Brother spend his life searching for has walked up to his company by herself.

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