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....: NO!
Vernon, jeonghan, Wonwoo, Myung-ho all shouted NO in unison.

DINO: when did you 4 have such chemistry.

Myungho: Yah, how can a gir...

Jeonghan elbow Myung-ho.

Jeonghan: how can we sleep in his room Cause he's the... the... the CEO selected members. The CEO also says that room is his and no one is supposed to take it or share it with him. Plus he's such a clean freak.

Seungcheol: why are you shuttering like that?

Hoshi: I'm not saying that we have to stay in the same room. He could stay in my room while I take his.
But if he wants to stay in the same room, I'm fine too. Anyway, it's good to sleep with clean people since they can clean the room up.

Hoshi gives the 10:10 smile

Seungcheol: hold on, why are you 4 so weird today. You guys never interfered with these kinds of things, but today...and because of Yn.

Wonwoo: erm.. we are just concerned about the new member that's all.

Hoshi POV
Wonwoo is acting weird today, or maybe it's because when he's around Yn?
Looks like there's something going on....., Interesting.
He gives a slight despicable smirk.

After the recording stage, we we moving to film our reality show.
Today we will be filming the first episode, I'm excited.

PD: okay everyone just relax and be yourself, cause we want to film a natural and Everyday seventeen life.

Everyone: nae.

The shooting start and we all were having fun with one another while enjoying the time of your lives.

At Dusk
We finished filming the first episode and ready to head back to the dorm.
We all slept in the car as we waste our energy on playing.

When we're back at the dorm, most of us were doing our own stuff and enjoy personal time. Seungcheol, Seungkwan, Dk, Hoshi, Jun,Jeonghan were all at the living room watching our day performance which was out now.

I stayed in my room playing the guitar to start writing a song.

After 2 hours
Knock knock

Yn: come in

Joshua: hi, I heard the guitar so I came to check. May I come in?

Yn: oh hyung, sure come on in.

Joshua: thanks, so what are you doing?

Yn: writing a song.

Joshua: so any ideas?

Yn: well I'm stuck, I'm not sure what to write or compose.

Joshua hyung gave me many tips and ideas to get some ideas and improve.

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