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Seungcheol: since when did you four Know?

Seungcheol was staring at Vernon, Wonwoo, Jeong Han and Myungho.

Vernon: I found it out first.

Seungkwan & Mingyu: Since when?
They said in unison.

Dino: Hyungs, keep your voice down.

Vernon: On the day of our jacket fitting before the comeback.

Hoshi: That Long? And you didn't tell us?

Wonwoo: After That Myungho and I found out during our photo shoot.

Jeonghan: I only found out 1 week ago.

Woozi: why didn't you guy tell us?

Myungho: We thought that she had her reasons for concealing it. Because Jess noona knows too... and the...

DK: WHAT!? Noona knows as well?

Myungho: yes, looks like it's the CEO idea.

Everyone: WHAT!?

Seungcheol: It was Hyung idea!?

The four of them nodded their heads.

Woozi: why would CEO-nim do that?

Jun: Wait a moment! No wonder I find her familiar, she was the girl that we had the bet before. You know the guitar girl in the canteen.

Woozi & DK: That's her?

Jun: hmm...yes, I saw her once when I went to the company to practice and I saw the CEO there, he even asks me about my debut days and trainee days after that ask me about what I think about her?

Hoshi: So the CEO already have the idea back then. No wonder on the day of the press conference, he attended it.

Then a creek from the door, make everyone turn their head.

After changing, I take a deep breath before heading out. When I step out, everyone turned their heads and all eyes were on me.
Which make me stood there frozen.

Then Jeonghan Hyung came up to me..

Jeonghan: come over here Yn.

He raises his hand for me to hold on, and drag me tp the rest. somehow it makes me feel a little secure, but there are still mountains for me to overcome. I sat down between Jeonghan Hyung and Myungho. After I sat down, I couldn't lift my head as I could feel all stares at me, it makes me feel guilty for not telling them but it's not something I can just tell anyone.

Many thoughts were going through my mind when Seungcheol Hyung voice out.

Seungcheol: About that...

Yn: I am Sorry.

I blurt out before Hyung could finish his sentence. They were shocked by my voice.

Yn: I am very sorry for keeping this a secret, but I couldn't disobey the role given to me. I did try to decline the offer but... but...

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