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Few weeks passed and it's 5 months till the comeback.
We were practicing like crazy and I didn't even get enough sleep. So I cut my hair short like the wig so I can save time on washing them.

I was going back home after a Long day of practice when I saw a crowd of people in front of my apartment. Looks like the building is on fire.

OMG!? What happened.

Officer: sorry please stay back. We're trying to put the fire out.

After the fire was put out, it looks like the 5th floor was caught on fire and it spread over to my floor too.

Yn: what am I going to do now.

Apparently, I called jess as she might help me. I told her what happened and she gave me her address and ask me to go there.
She let me stay at her apartment, but she was leaving with her family so I couldn't ask her to let me stay for Long.

Jess: it's okay, we will figure this out tomorrow.

Yn: hmm... thank you.

I drifted off to sleep as it was one of a hectic day for me.

The next day
Jess: looks like you will be moving into the seventeen dorms.

Yn: what!? But..

Jess: I know, I told the CEO to but... there no more rooms available and the members have requested that you stay with them since the comeback is in 5 months and they want to get to know you better since it would be great for teamwork.

Yn: But.. I'm still a girl. To leave in the same room as...

Jess: he said you will get a room Yourself. He talked to the boys already and you can move in 3 days later. So you can just stay with me for now.

Yn:.. But.....

I couldn't say anymore as I'm not in a position to choose.

3 Days later
I moved into their dorm, but I didn't have much stuff since it was mostly Burn in the fire.

Hoshi: are you okay Yn? I heard about your apartment.

Yn: oh it's fine, luckily I wasn't home at that time.

Joshua: it's fine now, just stay with us.

Jess left me there with the members after helping me settle into my room.

Seungcheol: so there's a rule that we go by, and I hope that you can abide too it. And you can let us know what rules you have too.

I stated in the paper that:
1. Do not go into my room.
2. I handle my own laundry
3. do not touch my stuff.
That's all I gave for my rules.

Jeonghan: so picky.

Yn: I'm a clean freak so I do not like my things to be touched and no one in my room.
I lied about being a clean freak so that they will not suspect anything.

Yn: I will abide by all your rules in exchange for mine.

Mingyu: okay, we will. But you will need to help out in the chores from time to time.

Yn: okay

And the day living with seventeen starts, and my adventure to being an idol starts but being a boy.

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