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Back to the building. My Uncle called the members to his office. Everyone assembled and my Uncle started to state his peace.

CEO: I heard that you all know that Yn is a girl.

Everyone: ..Nae...

He gives a big sigh before continuing,

CEO: Then you should know that she is also my Niece.

Everyone: WHAT!?

Only Dino, Jun, Joshua and Vernon was not surprised.

CEO: She my long lost niece.

Seungcheol: So she the one that Hyung has been telling me about?

CEO: Yes.

Seungcheol: I never thought that it would be Yn.

CEO: you know that I have spend everything I have to find her, and I can even risk everything for her. So I'm trying to let you know that if Yn is in any danger, I will not hasitate to protect her. I hope that everyone can keep a secret about her being a girl. I know some of you are afraid if the secret is leaked. It the end of your career, but I promise to do what ever I can to make sure that no one will be leaving.

Uncle look at the members and everyone reply.

Everyone: Nae

Jeonghan & Joshua: we will protect her and be her family. So CEO can reassure that.

CEO: I'm Glad to hear that. Yn... Uncle can only help you till this much the rest is in your hands.

I nodded.

CEO: okay everyone can leave, I think you guys have lots of things you want to ask Yn.

Everyone left the room One by one. We assemble at our practice room. It was quiet when we all settle in.

Hoshi: since when did you find out?

Yn: The day I got back from Busan.

DK: So it was quite awhile ago. No wonder you were spacing out often these pass days.

Yn: I just didn't know how to break it to you, after what happen in Busan. I know everyone said that they won't tell anyone about me being a girl. On that day I actually wanted to ask the CEO to drop me from the group but he had to tell me about my past and parents. I... I feel sorry towards everyone, since I'm the one who is putting your career in japordy and the treaths that the CEO.... I will talk to him again, if not I will just leave the company.

Dino & Vernon: You can't.
They not shouted at the same time.

Joshua: It's fine Yn. We are a family now, so your problem is our problem.

Then Seungcheol Hyung started talking in a Low tone.

Seungcheol: ....Did you know that hyung really love you?

Yn: eh!?

Seungcheol: He spend the most of his life to search for you. He would some time cry while looking at the photos of your parents. If you had seen him then, you wouldn't have the courage to say that you would leave.

What Seungcheol Hyung told me made me thinking that Uncle had only tell me a lot about my parents, but for so many years it's been him that is searching for me. Which makes me think of how much he must have love my Father and mother and.... how much he must have love me.
Which got me thinking back to that time in my dream... my Father said that I'm not alone, that I have a family that loves me and it's closer to me than I know. He must have been talking about my Uncle.

Yn: Sorry.

Wonwoo: okay hyung. She's also confused about everything. It's must be a shock to know that she's not an orphan and top of that, she's the CEO niece.

Myungho: it's okay,Yn. It's not too late yet. You can spend time with your Uncle.

Yn: Nae... I would like to say something to everyone.

Joshua: what is it?

I stood up and give a deep bow.

Yn: Thank you. This pass days, I've been saying sorry but I should have said thank you. Thank you for teaching, caring and loving me and still treat me like a Brother even after you know my secret. Even when it was hard for you to make a decision, you guys still put down everything for me. I can't be thankful enough.

Everyone smile and laugh.

Mingyu: But that's what family is for.

Seungcheol: no matter what, you are a part of our family now.

Hoshi: it's good to have a littler Sister in the group.

He give his 10:10 smile, and I smile with tears in my eyes.

Jeonghan: come on don't cry.

Yn: thank you, thank you...

Jeonghan Hyung push my head into his chest for a hug and then everyone join in.
I finally felt that I have a family I belong too, and a wonderful one.

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