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A few days later
I received a call
Yn: hello?

"Hi I'm calling from Pledis, I'm Glad to notify you that you have passed the audition"
Yn: omg, really?
"Yes, the training will start tomorrow, so please come down to our building and we will sort out the contract and your dormitory.
Yn: thank you very much

I ended the call and started jumping on my bed.

Next day
I came back to the building and signed the contract. And then they showed me to my dormitory.
Yn: is there any other trainees too?

No, you will be living alone.
Yn: eh..? But I thought usually we need to share with others.

I'm sorry, I don't have any idea. I'm only instructed to do what I'm told.

Yn : oh no, it's fine. I'm just curious. thank you very much.

Then please move in soon, and the training starts in 2 days. Please dress in comfortable clothes.
Yn: I got it, thank you.

Soon after that, I started practice at Pledis.

I was walking around the company, figuring out what I should do. So I went to talk to the CEO.
After that, I left for the practice room.

Maybe I should do some practice.

I passed by a practice room and saw a group of trainees practising. And it reminds me of the days when I first became a trainee.
Then I saw a familiar face.

Isn't it that girl we saw in the cafeteria the other day? So she became a trainee huh. I guess she has some skills.

CEO: jun?
Jun: oh hello sir.
CEO: what are you doing here?
Jun: oh I wanted to do some practice but then I saw these trainees and remembered the first time I became one

CEO: many years have passed, it's been 9 years since you came to Korea.
Jun: yes, 9 years have passed.

After that, I chatted awhile with the CEO about the past and started to go for practice.

Mingyu POV
Yah... the house is in a mess. Woozi Hyung, look at your pilled of clothes.

Woozi: I'm tired, just leave it there.

Mingyu: sigh... looks like it's spring cleaning day.

I cleaned the house, organised stuff and cooked dinner.

Then the main door opened.

Jun: I'm back.

Mingyu: oh, your back Hyung. Did you go for practice today?

Jun: Yup. Since I was bored at home so I decided to go for some practices.

Mingyu: go take a shower, dinner is almost ready.

Jun: okay.

Mingyu: dino ah, call the Hyungs to come down and eat.

Dino: okay.

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