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we were all done with hair and makeup, next is to head over to the building. I was not nervous at all since it the 4th recording for our song, so instead, I am quite excited about today's recording. Maybe I will get to meet some famous idols. Like BTS, Blackpink, EXO, even Super Junior or Girl's Generation. I always love Taeyeon sunbae's songs, and she's so pretty.

We arrived at the building but it's still 4 hours before the show starts, looks like we have some time to waste.

Finally, we arrived at the building, better start warming up. I was Warming up when I saw that Yn was sitting alone on the sofa.

DK: do you want to warm up with me?

Yn: Eh!? okay.

We started to warm up our voices before the show starts. After the warm-ups, I tried to start a conversation with him.

DK: So.., Whose your favourite singer and whose your idol that you respect?

I was hoping she said Seventeen, hahaha.

Yn: My favourite singer and idol that I really respect is... Woo Jung Won the indie band vocalist.

Dk: Oh! so you like his music?

Yn: I guess so..? I just felt a connection when I hear his songs.

Dk: I also love his songs, like that one "XXXXXX" I love the vibes of it.

Yn: me too! I love that song very much.

Dk: Since you know how to play the guitar, want to collaborate sometime?

Yn: sure, I think the carats will love it too. we can ask the hyungs too.

Dk: Sure.

We smile and high-five as it's hard to find Woo Jung Won's fans at our age.

At the other waiting room

Staff: Hi, seventeen members. can we do a short clip behind the stage scenes for the fans?

Seungcheol: Nea, that's fine with us.

Jeonghan: let's go kids.

Jeonghan looks everywhere for yn in the room but she was nowhere to be seen and so does Dk.

Jeonghan: where's Yn and Dk?

Wonwoo, Vernon and The8 eyed the room too, but they didn't see her.

wonwoo: where could she have gone.

The8: I'm not sure too.

Joshua: Oh, I think I saw her walking into the XXX waiting room with Dk. I think they go there to warm up their vocals.

Jeonghan: I will go call them, so the rest of your go to the filming site first. I will see you guys there.

Vernon: I will go with hyung.

Seung Cheol: where do you think you're going, let's go down and wait for them.

vernon: But...

Seung Cheol: No buts, let's go now.

Vernon was dragged off by Seung-Cheol hyung and so they can't do anything but pray that yn is safe.

Jeonghan POV
What are both of them doing together? They could have Practiced in the same waiting room, plus I didn't notice that yn was gone.

when i reached in front of the doors, i could hear them laughing and talking. they must be really close now. Then i opened the door, they were surprised to see me.

Yn: Oh My, that scared me. Hyung, why didn't you knock instead? You gave me a scare, i thought my heart was going to jump out of my mouth.

Dk: haha. So what is hyung doing here? You never really do warm-ups.

Jeonghan: I'm here to tell you that we are filming a short clip for the fans.

Yn: Clips? Right now?

Jeonghan: yes.

Yn: what are short clips?

Dk: short clips are videos that show idols backstage and also to pass the time, we do things like showing fans a new skill or side of us that they never knew.

Yn: Oh, I see. Sounds fun.

DK: It's fun, and every time the members are really funny.

Yn: then let's go down now, the rest must be waiting.

Jeonghan: hurry up then.

Yn: okay.

We rushed down in a hurry so as to not hold the staff back.

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