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The rest of us sat at the back of the studio to relax before our turn.

Then Wonwoo took a seat beside me.

Wonwoo: ermm...

Yn: eh..? Nae...?

Wonwoo: you...? Your...?

Then a voice interrupted.

Vernon: Hyung, can I speak to you awhile? It's about the rap.

Wonwoo: eh..? Oh okay.

Vernon and Wonwoo then walk to the other end where there are lesser people.

Wonwoo: so.., about the rap?

Vernon: that's just an excuse.

Wonwoo: eh.? For what?

Vernon: Hyung.., what do you know about Yn?

Wonwoo: eh!? What do you mean?
Wonwoo looks a bit flustered.

Vernon: you know that she's a girl right?

Wonwoo was shocked when he heard.

Wonwoo: eh!? Did you know that already? Since when?

Vernon: I found out the day where we're doing the fitting for our outfit.

Wonwoo: you knew that Long and didn't tell us? Why did you keep it a secret from us?

Vernon: it's just that I remember when she talks about being an orphan and then how she treated us since she came. I think she's a nice person. Plus Hyung also thinks she nice right? So let's just keep this between us.

Minghao: so I was right!

Vernon and Wonwoo turn back to look and it was The8.
Both of them seem shocked at what Minghao said.

Minghao: so my guess was right then.

Vernon: you know too Hyung?

Wonwoo: I already have a hunch that he would know too. Before I found out Yn secret, I found The8 at the doors where Yn was in. I guessed he found out by accident too.

Vernon: Then please help keep this a secret, Hyung.

Minghao: I know, I won't tell. She must have her reasons to dress as a boy and it's not that easy for her to stay under a roof with, 13 boys. I just can't believe that she stayed with us for almost 5 months but we didn't notice.

Wonwoo: now that I think about it, there were always signs that show she's a girl but we just weren't persuasive enough to find out.

Vernon: let's just help her keep her secret safe and protect her.

Then all 3 of them look towards Yn direction, who was happily chatting with Seungkwang and Mingyu.

Hahahaha, that's so hilarious.

Seung Kwang was telling jokes and making puns while waiting.

Cameraman: next Jihoon and Yn.

Jihoon and Yn: nae.

Cameraman: can I have both of you lying down with each other head on the other person shoulder.

We both posed accordingly to what he wants.

Cameraman: can we have a hugging pose now? To show the closeness. Jihoon will hug Yn from behind, like a back hug but just around his shoulders.

Yn: eh!?

Jihoon: nae.

Jihoon then wraps his arm around my shoulder.

Cameraman: okay, smile. Give me the brightest smile.

Wonwoo, The8 and Vernon were startled at what the cameraman asked them to do.
Somehow they look kinda jealous in a way.

Finally, the photoshoot ended and we hurried to our next scheduled.

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