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1 month before the comeback

Everything was almost ready but we still need more practice before the comeback, so we were all at the studio practising.

Lately, Vernon has been avoiding me and he not like he used to be around me. I wonder what happened!?

Yn: Vernon Ah

Vernon: eh!? Yes, Yn Hyung.
He flinches as Yn called him

Yn: are you okay? You've been avoiding me since the day after the outfit fitting.

Vernon: oh everything is fine.

Yn: okay, when you're ready to tell me, I will be here to listen. We are a family now.

Vernon POV
Yn smiling face was cute, and what he..she said made me felt relief.

That's right, even if Yn lied to us, I'm sure she has some reason for that. She has been really nice to us and she helped us a lot these few months.

Since it's a secret she doesn't want us to know, I will help her keep it a secret.

Next few days

We are having our Photoshoot for our album. We just arrive at the studio, and we hurry change into our outfit.

PD: we will do group shots first then individual shots.

Everyone: yes

Stylists: Seung Cheol, Vernon, DK, Joshua first.

Seungcheol: Coming.

Joshua: nae.

And the rest quickly take their seat to do their make up.

Jess: Yn, you sit here.

Yn: yes, thank you, Jess.

Jess: so how's everything in the dorm?

Yn: oh it's fine, just that sometimes I was almost found out.
I whisper in a soft voice.

Jess: really? Did they found out?

Yn: I don't think so since I quickly come up with some excuses if they were suspecting me. And they just believe in it.

Jess: be more careful. What happens if they found a girl living with them?

Seung Kwang: who living with who?

Seung Kwan suddenly pops out of nowhere, and that gave jess and I a shock.

Yn: oh nothing, just talking about jess's Friend. Right?

Jess: uh.. yup. About my Friend.

Seung Kwang: what's up with the awkwardness? Ooh...Yn are you asking jess noona to introduce a girl to you?

Yn: eh...no!? It's nothing like that.

Seung Kwang: eh... don't be shy, your blushing.

Yn: no, I said no already.

I was so nervous if Seungkwang had overheard us talking, but looks like he didn't catch all the information. But I was shocked at his unexpected appearance that I hurried come up with a lie and blush from telling the lie.

That's a close call.
I look in the mirror to signal jess that we're safe.
Jess wink at me and gave me a nod.

They didn't know that Vernon looked at the other side.

Vernon POV
They should be careful about where they are talking. Seung Kwang almost found out, but then again he's slow when it comes to this.

Stylist: okay you're done.

Vernon: nae, thank you.
I walk out to the studio to join Seung Cheol, Dk and Joshua who was already done.
While waiting for the rest of they, we were joking around and finding things to entertain us.

Yn: Hyung, what are your doing?

Hoshi: oh you're done.

Yn: nae. But what are your doing?

Seung Kwang: just a game we play when we're bored. The loser has to buy everyone here a drink.

Yn: sound fun.

Vernon: I am not interested, you guys play.

Jeonghan: everyone should participate if not there's no point in playing if everyone says that they're not interested.

Vernon: fine.

After 10 mins, Jeong Han and Vernon lost.

Yn, Dk, joshua, seungcheol and Seungkwang all won.

Yn: yeah

Dk: yeah.. high five.

We all high five to celebrate our victory.

Jeonghan: let's play scissors, paper, stone. The loser pays.

Vernon: okay
In the end, Jeonghan lost.

Jeonghan: sigh..."

Seungcheol: I want ice americano.

Seung Kwang: Ice Latte

DK: caramel macchiato for me.

Yn: I want ice mocha. Thank you

After that, the rest was almost done and we're getting ready to shoot the photos.

Cameraman: look here.

Cameraman: Tall members stand one step back. ........okay.

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