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Ring ring~
It's morning already, but everyone was still tired.

PD: Yn-ssi, please wake up the Mud flat team.

Yn: Nae.

I woke up and walk over to Jeonghan, Joshua, Mingyu, Jun, Dino, Vernon and DK.
Slowly waking them up, but then Dino was not feeling well.

Yn: PD-mum, dino is not well could you cal for a doctor to check up on him?

PD: Eh!? Okay, the team doctor will be here soon. You will need to replace one member to go to mud flat team.

Jeonghan: who should we ask?

Yn: I don't know? How about Seungkwan? Or Wonwoo Hyung?

Seungcheol: let's get Wonwoo to replace dino. Yn, go call him up.

Yn: Nae.
I walk to Wonwoo Hyung's bed.

Yn: Hyung...hyung.. wake up, we need you to be on the mud flat team since Dino is not well.

Wonwoo slowly wake up and lift his body. I guess he still need some time to be fully awake.

Wonwoo POV
I'm woken up by Yn calling. I sat up in bed and yawn before I process what is going on. Then I walk over to check in dino.

Wonwoo: dino? Are you okay?

Dino: Nae hyung.

Wonwoo: it's okay rest, I will go instead.

Dino: thank you hyung.

The mud flat team slowly get ready one by one.

I have to change before I go since I didn't change since yesterday. I was looking around to check for cameras but there's so many around the house.

Jeonghan: Yn? Here the washroom is vacant, you use it. Take a shower before we leave.

Yn: okay thanks hyung, give me 5 mins I will be out in a jiffy.

Jeonghan: it's okay we are leaving in 10mins time.

I quickly close the washroom door, and shower quickly.
After that, the 8 of us took the van over to the mud flats leaving the rest at the house.

When we reached the mud flats, we change into rubber boots and clothes.

Mingyu, Dk and jeonghan was doing a rubber clothing fashion runway. The rest of us laugh as they were really funny, thinking if Seungkwan was here, it would be hilarious.

Soon we meet the experts who catches clams, crab and other seafood for a living.
They teaches us the trick and skills we need. We were all enjoying our time harvesting, and time to time we even played in the Mud.

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