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After harvesting at the mud flat. We make our way back to the house.
We caught a lot that the bag was heavy, as I was struggling.

Joshua: Is it heavy?

Yn: Erm.. no I can handle it.

Joshua: you sure?
I nod, and Joshua continue to walk. I was lagging behind when a hand came from the back and grab the bag full of clams.

Yn: Oh... Hyung.

Wonwoo took the bag without saying anything. I ran up and pace myself to his speed.

Yn: Thank you hyung.
He just glance at me and turn away. I smile because I know I saw him smile slightly.

Wonwoo POV
I grab the bag that was too heavy for Yn, she ran up to me and thank me. I look towards her and smile slightly, I hurried turn away hoping she didn't see me smile, I wanted to be cool in front of her.

Jeonghan: Wonwoo, Yn hurry up.
Jeonghan was shouting for us from the car.

Yn: coming.
She ran up ahead and turn back to me,

Yn: Wonwoo Hyung hurry they are waiting.
That struck me, the moment she turn around and call my name.

She's really cute.
Then I thought for a moment.

If I didn't meet her in this situation, would I be able to tell her how I feel? Or we wouldn't even have met, Nor will we have this bond that we have right now.

I was worn out from working and playing hard, plus we had to wake up early today so I was feeling a little sleepy.

Joshua: are you sleepy?

Yn: eh!? No
I pretended that I was not sleepy, I know that the hyungs are more sleepy. They mostly did all the hard work today.

But still I can't help dozing off. Then suddenly my vision go black.

Joshua POV
I saw that Yn kept nodding his head down, I guess he's really tired, but I find it funny and cute that he kept saying that he's not sleepy but kept dozing off.
I then slowly place his head on my shoulder, I can't believe how small he is almost as small as Woozi. With Thoughts running through my mind, I suddenly felt the sleepyness and I yawn. I saw that all the kids were fast asleep already and decided to take a nap. I place my head on top of Yn and drifted off to sleep.

PD: Camera.. camera... take a shot of Yn and joshua.

The PD even thought that Yn and Joshua was so cute sleeping together.

Soon, we reached back to the house.

Seungkwan: Oh, they are back.

Myungho: Really?

Everyone rush out to greet the rest and check what they have caught today.

Hoshi: Mingyu hurry up and cookout lunch, without you we will die.

Mingyu: okay okay, someone help me wash these clams and crab. Have you guys cook rice?

Jun: Of course. Here look.
Jun show Mingyu the well cooked rice.

Mingyu: Oh~looks good hyung.

Woozi: hurry up and prepare lunch or else we might just have only dinner.

Mingyu: okay okay, without me you guys can even have a meal.

Mingyu said that as he shook his head.
Then I asked about Dino.

Yn: is dino okay?

Seungkwan: he's still resting in the house, the doctor came by and gave him some medicine. It's not that serious, he just needs lots of rest and I take in some fluids.

Yn: okay i will just check on him.
I went into the house to check on dino. While the rest cooks and prepare for lunch.

At dawn, after dinner.
The PD ask us to gather at the house to carry on wit some games.

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