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Few days later

I'm in their studio, their studio was huge. I guess popular idols have their own studio.

I'm worried about Soori, as she must be worried about me since I'm not heading for practice and have not contacted her.

Ms.goon took my phone away in case of secret leaking out, but she said that she told soori that I will be training at another company and won't be able to contact her for months.

Then a voice brought me back to reality.

Mingyu: yah Yn.

Yn: yes?

Mingyu: come here. We're selecting the songs for the new album.

Yn: okay.

Woozi: how about this song?

Bumzi: hmmm... I think this is better. What do the rest think?

The song was played and everyone listened and gave their ideas and thoughts

Woozi: Yn, how about you? You've been quiet since you came in.

Yn: erm... I think this and this is good but I think this song suit the concept that we're after. And... if there's a guitar sound at the end, it will be better.

Everyone was staring at me.

Yn: erm. I'm sorry if I said too much. I didn't mean to judge your songs, they are really good already and...

Woozi & bumzi: hahaha, that what we're thinking too.

Yn: eh!?

Bumzi: looks like you have a talent or two, kid. I guess that's why the CEO choose you. To help Woozi, in composing. Now there are two composers in seventeen, I know this album will be a hit.

Yn: eh!? Me? But I..

Woozi: thanks Yn.

Yn: eh.. it's nothing. Glad to help. Please guide me along too, thank you.

Then the hip-hop team started to write raps for it, and the performance team to come up with ideas for the choreography.

I was helping Woozi and the vocal team to come up with lyrics.

Dk: how about this Hyung?

Woozi: hmm... it needs to be rewritten.

Dk: okay

Joshua: how about this?

We were debating ideas but to no fruition.

Yn: can I borrow a guitar?

Woozi: sure use mine.

I started playing the tune Woozi let us listen, and started humming and soon lyrics just came out off my mouth.

Joshua: Wow, that's amazing. How did you think of lyrics like that?

Yn: oh, I just love playing the guitar and I often hum to the melodies, and soon enough, I found out that I made lyrics.

Seung Kwang: that's cool, your faster then Woozi Hyung.

Woozi: yah..
Woozi started at Seungkwang and he flinches at Woozi stare.

Seung Kwang: Sorry Hyung.

I smile at their bickering.

DK: it's the first time I've seen you smile.

Yn: Eh?

Seung Kwang: you've been having a serious look since you join us and always quiet but when talking about music, your eyes lid up.

Yn: that's because I love music. It's my core, something that's is always with me. I would never change it for anything in the world.

Jeonghan: hm.... your core huh!
He spoke softly.

Yn: eh, sorry did you say something?

Jeonghan: nothing.

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