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...: Yn... Yn...

Yn: whose that?

..: Yn..

Then a man appears before my eyes.

Yn: who are you?

..: Do not worry about who I am, all I can say is that I am someone who is the closest to you. we share a bond as well as fate. I hope that you won't walk down the same path. Follow your heart, and know that I will always be here for you.

Yn: wait, don't go. Don't leave me alone.

...: You are never alone, there's always someone who will stay by your side. I will always be by your side. I love you, Yn.

Yn:  Wait.. please, don't go. who are you?

I woke up on my bed still half asleep, not knowing how I get into it and what was that dream about? who was that man? I sat up after I was fully awake and remembered what happened yesterday. I look around to find that everyone was already up and nowhere to be found. remembered the feeling of being alone once again made me felt fear.

I stood up and hurriedly walk out to see if anyone was outside. When I opened the doors, the Hyungs was looking at me.

Hoshi: oh Yn, you are awake?

Yn: why didn't anyone wake me up?

Jeonghan: you were sleeping so soundly so we didn't want to wake you.

Yn: but.

Seungcheol: no buts, come and sit here.

Somehow I feel like today is a bit wired. Yesterday they were awkward and now they seem like they never know I was a girl and treated me the same.

Flashback to last night
After Yn fall asleep, Jeong Han carried her back to her bed and cover her up.
The rest then slowly rise from their bed and started to gather.

Seungcheol: I know everyone is in shocked and this is a huge situation for us right now. But no matter what Yn did, we have to respect her choice even if it means putting our career in jeopardy. I hope that everyone can treat her nicely or treat her the way we treated her before knowing she's a woman.

Jeonghan: Yn has been an orphan and alone in her past so now I hope that everyone can be there for her. I know it's difficult to do it but I hope you guys can treat her like a little Brother who has been taking care of us since she moved in with us.

Mingyu: That right, there's one time when it's my turn to clean the house, she actually did it for me, knowing that I have other schedules.

Myungho: she always brings me my medication. Without her, I think the dorm wouldn't feel the same. It will feel empty.

Seungcheol: dino what about you?

Dino: eh!? Fine.. when I was not feeling well, she was the first one who noticed. She even took care of me, during her rest time.
I guess she not all that bad.. maybe her lie is because of some reason.

Hoshi: So let's treat Yn like we used too, so she won't ever feel sad or alone again. I mean she has no time too when there are 13 hot guys with her 24/7.

Wonwoo hid Hoshi on the head. Don't even think about it.

Hoshi: Fine.

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