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I could feel 13 pairs of eyes on me.
Ermm... is Miss Goon here?

Vernon: Why are you looking for our stylish?

Yn: erm.. the CEO asked me to look for her, and he told me that she would be here so...

Jeonghan: so what now? Are we really accepting another member? Yah.. Seung Cheol, can't you get in touch with the CEO?

Seungcheol: his phone is switched off.

...: don't border to call him, he switched off because of the floods of calls.

Everyone: oh, Noona.

...: you must be Yn.

Yn: yes. Are you Miss Goon?

Jess: please just call me Jess.

Yn: finally, can you please tell me what's going on? I...

Jess: come here.

She pulls me off so That we are alone.

Jess: I heard everything from the CEO, don't worry he asked me to keep this a secret so the boys don't know anything yet.

Yn: But what is going on? Why do I have to debut as a boy?

She then explains everything.

Jess: that's all I know, the details, you have to ask the CEO himself. Now let's introduce you to the guys.

We walked back to the room.

Jess: kids, this is Yn. Sh... I mean he will be the new member and I hope that you will help him along.

Yn: please guide me along. I bow my head

Dino: what's your age?

Yn: Eh? Oh, I'm born in 97.

Dino: eh! Another Hyung.

Hoshi: hi, I'm Hoshi. The guys may say things like that but they are great guys. If you have anything or any problems, just look for me.

And he gave me the 10:10 Hoshi eyes smile.

Yn: thank you.

Jess: okay since we have introduced. Now let's go back to the dorm. Yn , you will ride with me.

Seungcheol: Eh? Isn't he staying with us? Since he's apart of the team now?

Jess: he will be living by himself, but you will see him during practice schedule.
Come Yn.

Yn: Ah.. yes.

I left with jess, leaving seventeen dumbfounded.

Jeonghan POV
what's with that? Having him join and not living with us.

Joshua: on the bright side, we don't need to share rooms with another person.

Jeonghan: true. But why did CEO put another member in?

Jun: somehow he looks familiar.

Seung Kwang: Eh? You know him Hyung?

Jun: no, I'm just thinking where I saw that face? Urgh... I can't remember.

Dk: it's fine, let's just get home.

We left the room and headed back to the dorm.

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